Quote of the day

When you force something toward an end, you produce the contrary. ~ Silo – www.silo.net
Kerala Agricultural University Library and Information System (KAULIS)
The Central Library, Kerala Agricultural University is the primary and the principal instrumentality of the Kerala State in providing human resources, and skills and technology, required for the sustainable development of its agriculture, defined broadly encompassing all production activities based on land and water, including crop production (agriculture), animal husbandry, forestry and fishery through conducting, interfacing and integrating education, research and extension in these spheres of economic endeavour.

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Mon - Sat 09:00 AM - 09:30 PM

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Kerala Agricultural University Central Library
Thrissur-(Dt.), Kerala Pin:- 680656, India
Ph : (+91)(487) 2372219
E-mail: librarian@kau.in
Website: http://library.kau.in/