Aswathy T S
Rapid multiplication of kasthuri turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) through minisett technique and nursery management - Vellayani Department of plantation crops and spices, College of agriculture 2015 - 119 Pages
The study entitled “Rapid multiplication of kasthuri turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) through minisett technique and nursery management” was carried out with an objective to standardize minisett method of macro propagation and nursery techniques for rapid mass multiplication of kasthuri turmeric. The investigation was taken up as different experiments to find out the best pre-sprouting treatment for the minisetts, best media for the pro-tray seedlings and finally the optimum age at transplanting of these seedlings and their field evaluation.
In the 1st experiment, rhizome bits with two node (S1 - approximate weight 5g) and three node (S2- approximate weight 7g) was prepared and it was subjected to different pretreatments with chemicals/growth regulators such as Benzyl adenine (BA – 25 ppm, 50 ppm and 100 ppm for 24 hrs. ), Ethrel (125 ppm for 30 mts and 250 ppm for 15 mts) , Potassium nitrate( KNO3 - 0.2 % for 30 mts) and Urea (5g L-1 for 30 mts) with an absolute control (no pre-soaking treatment) to find out the best sprouting treatment. It was observed that better sprouting (72.50 %) was noticed in 3 node rhizome bits than in 2 node bits (64.13 %). Among the pre-treatments, soaking rhizome bits in benzyl adenine 100 ppm for 24 hrs. recorded the highest sprouting (95.60 %). The pre-treatment using 0.2% KNO3 (45.80 %) gave the lowest sprouting which was on par with control (54.00 %)
In the 2nd experiment, the best media combinations for pro-tray seedlings as well as the optimum age at transplanting were assessed. The results revealed that out of the three nursery mixture combinations, growth parameters such as rooting percent, plant height, number of leaves, number of roots, and root length were significantly superior in M2 (Vermicompost + Coirpith + Trichoderma) compared to M1(Cowdung + Coirpith + Trichoderma) media. In M3 (Coirpith + Neemcake + Trichoderma) decaying of the sprouted bits were noticed.
To find out the optimum age at transplanting ,the field experiment was laid out in split plot design with 3 different sowing dates (D1 -30th, D2 -45th and D3 -60th DAS) of both 2 node (S1) and three node (S2) seedlings from M1 and M2 media combination (S1M1, S1M2. S2M1 and S2M2 ) with five replication. Plants raised by conventional method i.e., planting of rhizome with 15 g size was the control. The results revealed that minisett seedlings established better in the field and their morphological characters, physiological parameters and ultimately yield were higher than that of conventional method of rhizome planting.
The seedlings of 3 node rhizome bits planted in M2 (Vermicompost + Coir pith + Trichoderma) media transplanted 60 DAS (s2m2d3) recorded significantly superior performance with regard to plant height, number of leaves, number and length of roots, physiological parameters viz., Net assimilation rate, Crop growth rate, Leaf area index and biochemical characters such as oleoresin and non-volatile ether extract content than seedlings transplanted 30 DAS. Regarding fresh rhizome yield, 3 node rhizome bits planted in M2 (Vermicompost + Coir pith + Trichoderma) media transplanted 60 DAS (s2m2d3) recorded the highest value (15.98 t ha -1) which was higher than control (15.33 t ha -1). In the cost benefit analysis, 3 node rhizome bits planted in M2 (Vermicompost + Coir pith + Trichoderma) media transplanted 60 (d3s2m2) (3.29) and 45 (d2s2m2) (3.23) DAS recorded higher B:C ratio compared to control (2.98).
Findings from the present study reveal that pre-sprouting treatments with benzyl adenine 100 ppm enhances sprouting of two node and three node rhizome bits of kasthuri turmeric thereby reducing the quantity of the costly seed rhizome. Thus raising of pro-tray seedlings using three node bits in vermicompost and Trichoderma enriched coir pith mixture has good potential for obtaining sturdy, uniform and healthy seedlings. Maintaining such seedlings in the nursery for a period of not less than 30 days and transplanting such seedlings at 45-60 DAS in the main field ultimately leads to higher yield and 50% saving of seed material.
Plantation crops and spices
633.8 / ASW/RA
Rapid multiplication of kasthuri turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) through minisett technique and nursery management - Vellayani Department of plantation crops and spices, College of agriculture 2015 - 119 Pages
The study entitled “Rapid multiplication of kasthuri turmeric (Curcuma aromatica Salisb.) through minisett technique and nursery management” was carried out with an objective to standardize minisett method of macro propagation and nursery techniques for rapid mass multiplication of kasthuri turmeric. The investigation was taken up as different experiments to find out the best pre-sprouting treatment for the minisetts, best media for the pro-tray seedlings and finally the optimum age at transplanting of these seedlings and their field evaluation.
In the 1st experiment, rhizome bits with two node (S1 - approximate weight 5g) and three node (S2- approximate weight 7g) was prepared and it was subjected to different pretreatments with chemicals/growth regulators such as Benzyl adenine (BA – 25 ppm, 50 ppm and 100 ppm for 24 hrs. ), Ethrel (125 ppm for 30 mts and 250 ppm for 15 mts) , Potassium nitrate( KNO3 - 0.2 % for 30 mts) and Urea (5g L-1 for 30 mts) with an absolute control (no pre-soaking treatment) to find out the best sprouting treatment. It was observed that better sprouting (72.50 %) was noticed in 3 node rhizome bits than in 2 node bits (64.13 %). Among the pre-treatments, soaking rhizome bits in benzyl adenine 100 ppm for 24 hrs. recorded the highest sprouting (95.60 %). The pre-treatment using 0.2% KNO3 (45.80 %) gave the lowest sprouting which was on par with control (54.00 %)
In the 2nd experiment, the best media combinations for pro-tray seedlings as well as the optimum age at transplanting were assessed. The results revealed that out of the three nursery mixture combinations, growth parameters such as rooting percent, plant height, number of leaves, number of roots, and root length were significantly superior in M2 (Vermicompost + Coirpith + Trichoderma) compared to M1(Cowdung + Coirpith + Trichoderma) media. In M3 (Coirpith + Neemcake + Trichoderma) decaying of the sprouted bits were noticed.
To find out the optimum age at transplanting ,the field experiment was laid out in split plot design with 3 different sowing dates (D1 -30th, D2 -45th and D3 -60th DAS) of both 2 node (S1) and three node (S2) seedlings from M1 and M2 media combination (S1M1, S1M2. S2M1 and S2M2 ) with five replication. Plants raised by conventional method i.e., planting of rhizome with 15 g size was the control. The results revealed that minisett seedlings established better in the field and their morphological characters, physiological parameters and ultimately yield were higher than that of conventional method of rhizome planting.
The seedlings of 3 node rhizome bits planted in M2 (Vermicompost + Coir pith + Trichoderma) media transplanted 60 DAS (s2m2d3) recorded significantly superior performance with regard to plant height, number of leaves, number and length of roots, physiological parameters viz., Net assimilation rate, Crop growth rate, Leaf area index and biochemical characters such as oleoresin and non-volatile ether extract content than seedlings transplanted 30 DAS. Regarding fresh rhizome yield, 3 node rhizome bits planted in M2 (Vermicompost + Coir pith + Trichoderma) media transplanted 60 DAS (s2m2d3) recorded the highest value (15.98 t ha -1) which was higher than control (15.33 t ha -1). In the cost benefit analysis, 3 node rhizome bits planted in M2 (Vermicompost + Coir pith + Trichoderma) media transplanted 60 (d3s2m2) (3.29) and 45 (d2s2m2) (3.23) DAS recorded higher B:C ratio compared to control (2.98).
Findings from the present study reveal that pre-sprouting treatments with benzyl adenine 100 ppm enhances sprouting of two node and three node rhizome bits of kasthuri turmeric thereby reducing the quantity of the costly seed rhizome. Thus raising of pro-tray seedlings using three node bits in vermicompost and Trichoderma enriched coir pith mixture has good potential for obtaining sturdy, uniform and healthy seedlings. Maintaining such seedlings in the nursery for a period of not less than 30 days and transplanting such seedlings at 45-60 DAS in the main field ultimately leads to higher yield and 50% saving of seed material.
Plantation crops and spices
633.8 / ASW/RA