Mohammed Shahid Salam C H

Silicon, boron and zinc nutrition of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) var. preethi - Padannakkad Department of plant soil science and agricultural chemistry 2015 - 77 Pages


The experiment entitled “Silicon, boron and zinc nutrition in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) var.Preethi” was carried out with the objective to standardize the dose and method of application of silicon, boron and zinc red loam soils. The investigation was carried out at College of Agriculture (COA), Padannakkad and RARS farm at Nileswar during April 2014 to August 2014. The whole study consisted of two parts- pot culture and field experiments.
The pot culture study was conducted at COA, padanakkad. The experiment was carried out in RBD taking into consideration of varying light intensity at the site of pot culture area. The treatments applied with three levels each of zinc and boron (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%) respectively and two levels of silicon (20 and 40 ppm) on soil basis. There were eighteen treatment combinations and one control with three replications. The soil taken from the field of RARS, Nileswar and uniformly filled in pots arranged in three blocks and then plants was raised in that. Five seed were sown in each pot then thinned to single plant. Silicon is applied as calcium silicate to soil at the time of planting. Boron and zinc are applied as foliar with borax and zinc sulphate respectively, biomtric yield data were collected. Significant differences among the treatments were observed in the biometrics characteristics of plants and for yield. T14 (B-0.6% foliar + Zn-0.2% foliar + Si-40 ppm in soil) recorded highest fruit length, breadth, weight and vitamin C content.
Another experiment with same treatments was also carried in RARS farm, Nileswar in RBD with nineteen treatment and three replications. Three plants were maintained in each pit and each of the plot have four such pits. Majour nutrients viz, N, P, K application and other cultural practices were uniformly followed for all plants as Package of practices, KAU (2011). Method of application and level of application of silicon, boron and zinc were same as that of pot culture experiment. Foliar application are done at 30th , 40th , 60th days after planting. Soil application of silicon at two levels was done at the time of planting.
The result of field experiment revealed that, yield and quality parameters differed significantly with the application of varied levels of Si, B and Zn. Highest vitamin C was found in T14 (B-0.6% foliar + Zn-0.2% foliar + Si-40 ppm in soil). It also showed highest fruit
length, breadth, weight and yield. While in the case of Fe content of fruits T9(B-0.4% foliar + Zn-0.4% foliar + Si- 20 ppm in soil) recorded highest concentration in fruits.
After the harvest, the effect of these treatments on soil nutrient availability was studied. The results showed that available N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Si, B and Zn status in treated plot were improved significantly when compared to control. Similarly, leaf nutrient analysis at the time of harvest revealed that N, P, K, Si, B and Zn were showed significant differences among treatments.
Both pot culture and field experiment indicated th effect of silicon and boron are more important than zinc in bitter gourd. T14 (B-0.6% foliar + Zn-0.2% foliar + Si-40 ppm in soil) found to be performing well under pot culture and field conditions respectively.

Plant soil science and agricultural chemistry

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