Premalatha A

Formulation and evaluation of micronutrient mixture for foliar application in tc banana (Musa sp.) Var. Nendran - Padannakkad Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, college of Agriculture 2016 - 173 pages


The experiment entitled “Formulation and evaluation of micronutrient mixture for foliar application in TC banana (Musa sp.) var. Nendran” was carried out with the objectives of preparing a micronutrient mixture formulation for foliar spray, to evaluate stability of formulation and its keeping quality and to investigate the effect of this formulation on growth, yield and quality of fruits in banana (Musa sp.) Nendran. The whole study consisted of three parts – preparation of micronutrient mixture formulation, hardening studies and field experiment. The studies were carried out at College of Agriculture, Padannakkad and RARS farm, Nileshwar during 2014–2016.
Micronutrient mixture formulation was prepared with the use of different micronutrient salts containing Zn, B, Fe, Mn, Cu and Mo. The formulation technique was standardized and it was prepared as two liquids: Solution A and Solution B. Solution–A consisted of ZnSO4, CuSO4, FeSO4, H3BO3, MnSO4 and (NH4)2MoO4 in desired proportion. For maintaining stability and keeping quality of solution A, addition of citric acid was found to be the best. Solution B was prepared as 1 per cent humic acid. Required quantity of solution A and B was diluted and blended just before spraying.
The hardening studies were conducted in the poly house with TC plants of uniform stage multiplied from same genotype. The experiment was carried out in CRD with 12 treatments and one control with 3 replications each and there were 4 plants in each unit. The treatments consisted of 4 levels of micronutrient mixture (0.25 %, 0.5 %, 0.75 % and 1 %) sprayed at 3 different intervals. The 3 different spray scheduled were: one spray- immediately after planting and 2 subsequent sprays given at 2nd and 3rd weeks after planting during secondary hardening stage. Thus there were 12 treatment combinations and one control. The treatments were: T1, T2, T3 and T4 - one spray, T5, T6, T7 and T8 - two sprays and T9, T10, T11 and T12 - three sprays of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 per cent concentrations respectively. T13 was control.

Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

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