Unnikrishnan S
Classification Of Wet Land Soil Of Kerala For Placement IN Soil Taxonomy - Vellayani Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,College of Horticulture 1993
Nine soil pedons, seven from natural wet lands and two from man made wet lands were studied. The locations were Vellayani (Natural/fresh water Kayal), Karamana (Manmade valley bottom), Thakazhi (Natural/Kayal),Nedumudi (Natural/Karappadam),D-block (Natural/Kayal), Njrackkal (Natural/Pokkali), Anthikad/(Nztural Kole) Pattambi (Manmade valley bottom) and Pazhayangadi (Natural/Kaipad), Pedons were described systematically and subjected physico chemical & mineralogical analysis.
From the studies it was revealed that the wet lands of the State in general had immature soil morphology. Characteristics of the soils were mainly attributed to the parent materials. Absense of characteristic horizonation and diagnostic surface or subsurface horizons indicated that these soils were young. Three soil orders namely Entisols, (Vellayani, Karamana, Kari, Kayal & Kaipad pedons) Inceptisols (Karappadam, pokkali and kole pedons) and Ultisoils (Pattambi) dominated the wet land pedons analysed. Isohyperthermic temperature and aquic moisture regimes were dominant in all pedons. Saline acid and Sulphidic soils identified in conventional terminology could be confirmed in the present study also.
The derivation of terminology for the wet land soils of Kerala, based on the assumptions of USDA-SCS helps to categorise these soils according to soil taxonomy, the nomenclature in vogue.
631.4 / UNN/CL
Classification Of Wet Land Soil Of Kerala For Placement IN Soil Taxonomy - Vellayani Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,College of Horticulture 1993
Nine soil pedons, seven from natural wet lands and two from man made wet lands were studied. The locations were Vellayani (Natural/fresh water Kayal), Karamana (Manmade valley bottom), Thakazhi (Natural/Kayal),Nedumudi (Natural/Karappadam),D-block (Natural/Kayal), Njrackkal (Natural/Pokkali), Anthikad/(Nztural Kole) Pattambi (Manmade valley bottom) and Pazhayangadi (Natural/Kaipad), Pedons were described systematically and subjected physico chemical & mineralogical analysis.
From the studies it was revealed that the wet lands of the State in general had immature soil morphology. Characteristics of the soils were mainly attributed to the parent materials. Absense of characteristic horizonation and diagnostic surface or subsurface horizons indicated that these soils were young. Three soil orders namely Entisols, (Vellayani, Karamana, Kari, Kayal & Kaipad pedons) Inceptisols (Karappadam, pokkali and kole pedons) and Ultisoils (Pattambi) dominated the wet land pedons analysed. Isohyperthermic temperature and aquic moisture regimes were dominant in all pedons. Saline acid and Sulphidic soils identified in conventional terminology could be confirmed in the present study also.
The derivation of terminology for the wet land soils of Kerala, based on the assumptions of USDA-SCS helps to categorise these soils according to soil taxonomy, the nomenclature in vogue.
631.4 / UNN/CL