Shaji Antony .

Factors Influencing Calf Growth and Mortality in Field and Organised Farms - Mannuthy Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 1994

A study was undertaken to evaluate the system of calf raising in the field vis – a – vis that in organised farms, which included contemporary calves born in field and organised farms. Mavelikkara was chosen as the study area from where the experimental field calves were selected. University Livestock Farm, Kerala Agricultural and Dhoni Farm, KLD Board, Palghat were chosen to represent organised farms in the experiment.
All the calves born in the experimental area or farms during a period of two months were included in the experiment. Calves were studied upto period of six months of age.
It was observed that climatic conditions in general were similar at the three locations except that at ULF, Mannuthy relative humidity and hours of bright sunshine tended to be less than the other two locations.
The male calves in the farms weighed heavier at birth and gained faster to weigh significantly more at the 12th fortnight compared to those in the field. There was no significant difference in birth weight of farm and field born female calves. However, those in the farms grew faster to weigh significantly heavier at 12th fortnight. When male and female calves in the farms and field were put together and tested at 1st, 6th and 12th fortnights, the calves in the farms weighed significantly heavier than those in the field at all stages.
The daily weight gain during different fortnights was higher in the farm grown calves compared to their counterparts in the field.
There was no significant difference in height of male calves in the farm and field in the 1st fortnight but was significantly higher in the farm grown calves in the 6th and 12th fortnights. There was no significant difference in the height of the female calves in the farms and field in all the three fortnights tested.
Information with respect to girth showed similar trend as in the case of weight and height.
In the first fortnight, the male calves in the farms measured significantly shorter in length than those in the field but by 6th and 12th fortnights, they measured significantly longer than male calves in the field. There was no significant difference in length of female calves in the field and farms during the time intervals tested.
In the field, calves received generally an adequate amount of colostrum through suckling. Those in the farm were fed 2 – 2.5 kg colostrum daily from the pail. The interval between birth and first nursing varied from 15 min to 2 h in the field. In the farms, calves born during day time received colostrum within half an hour, while those born in night received colostrum the next morning. Highest daily gain and lowest mortality was seen in calves fed colostrum within 15 minutes.
It was observed that the quantity of milk available to female calves in the field was comparable to that in the farms. Male calves in the field received much lesser quantity.
Female calves received more quantity of concentrates compared to males except in the early fortnights.
Maximum daily gain of calves was observed in sheds with concrete flooring and tiled roofs.
Monthly deworming was practised upto 12 months of age in the two farms studied. In the field all calves were dewormed during the 1st month only. Thereafter, female calves were given more frequent deworming treatment. Vaccination against Foot and Mouth disease was carried out in the farms but not in the field.
Good hygiene and daily grooming increased the daily gain of calves. Better growth was seen when the animals were looked after by men than women. Average dairy awareness was observed in 90 per cent of the farmers. Daily gain of calves increased with increased dairy awareness. People with high school level education maintained their calves better than those with higher or lower levels of education. Calves grown by agricultural labourers seemed to have lower weight gain. Calves reared in larger units of land had a greater daily weight gain.
The mortality rate among calves was 14 per cent in the field compared to 8.5 per cent in the farms. Mortality rate of 66.6 per cent was seen no colostrum was fed. There was no mortality among calves fed colostrum within 15 minutes. Male calves had higher mortality rate than female calves. Higher mortality rate was observed in calves born to first calvers. In field mortality was higher in 1st and 5th month of age. Mortality rate was lower when calves were looked after by men compared to women. The lowest calf mortality rate was observed among calves owned by those who had high school level education.
Mortality rate among calves seemed to decrease with increasing dairy awareness of owners. Mortality rate of calves was highest in shed and premises with poor hygiene (50%) followed by medium hygiene (11.11%) and good hygiene (10.5%). Similarly daily grooming seemed to reduces mortality rate (11.9%) compared to weekly grooming (25%).
At the end of 6 months, 92.85 per cent of the female calves were retained by the farmers compared to only 36.36 per cent male calves, clearly pointing towards the greater future economic utility of the former.

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