Madhavan E

Effect of early Weaning on the Reproductive Performance of Sows - Mannuthy Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 1977

The object of the study was to find out how early weaning of piglets could be practiced for a profitable swine industry. For this, two aspects were investigated; (1) Post weaning reproductive performance of the sow (2) the growth rate and survival capacity of weaned piglets.

The experiment was conducted on 24 gilts of same age group selected at random from the University Pig Breeding Farm, Mannuthy. On farrowing, the sows (with their litters) were divided into four groups of six animals each. The piglets in groups I, II, III and IV were respectively weaned at 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th day of farrowing. The weaned piglets were maintained upto 60 days on creep feed of the same composition. The sows were fed on farm ration.

The observations made and inferences drawn are summarized below: There was no significant verification in the onset of post – weaning heat, conception rate, litter size and litter weight in sows of different groups. At the same time, there was a significant reduction in the inter-farrowing period when weaning was done during early lactation. This was considered as an important criteria in favour of early weaning. As far as the post-weaning performance of the piglets were concerned, it was observed that the gain in weight of piglets weaned at 45th day was significantly higher than the other three groups. Probably, the low gain in body weight of the early weaned piglets could be improved by feeding them with creep feed of superior quality. Post-weaning mortality observed in early weaned piglets was well within the permissible limit.

To sum up, it may be stated that weaning of piglets at 15th day of farrowing would be of advantage for the over all increase in the productivity of swine.

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