Gijo Ittoop
Vitamin C Requirement and its Deficiency Syndromes in Macrobrachium Rosenbergii Juveniles - Panangad Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries 1996
An experiment was conducted to study the influence of dietary vitamin e on growth,
survival, food conversion ratio, moulting rate and whole body ascorbic acid content of juvenile
Macrobrachium rosenbergii, to determine the optimum dietary requirement of vitamin e and to
characterise the deficiency syndromes, if any. Juvenile prawns kept under defined
environmental conditions were fed casein based semipurified diets containing eight levels of
vitamin C. CVC - F 90, a hydrogenated vegetable oil coated form of vitamin C with 90%
available ascorbic acid was used as the vitamin source.
Growth, survival, food conversion ratio, moulting rate and whole body ascorbic acid
content were found to be significantly affected by dietary vitamin C (P≤ 0.01). Below a level of
75 mg CVC - F 90 per kg of dry diet, deficiency syndromes like poor growth, survival and food
conversion, incomplete moulting and black lesions at the tip of walking legs were noticed. The
maximum weight gain of 194.92% was obtained with a dietary level of 150 mg eve - F 90 per
kg dry diet. Non-linear regression estimate based on percentage weight gain showed the
optimum requirement to be 200.3 mg CVC - F 90 per kg dry diet which is equivalent to 182.97
mg AAE / kg dry diet. The tissue ascorbic acid level seemed to reflect dietary levels of
Vitamin C. About 15 µ gm tissue ascorbic acid / g was required for maximum growth and
634.9 / GIJ/EV
Vitamin C Requirement and its Deficiency Syndromes in Macrobrachium Rosenbergii Juveniles - Panangad Department of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries 1996
An experiment was conducted to study the influence of dietary vitamin e on growth,
survival, food conversion ratio, moulting rate and whole body ascorbic acid content of juvenile
Macrobrachium rosenbergii, to determine the optimum dietary requirement of vitamin e and to
characterise the deficiency syndromes, if any. Juvenile prawns kept under defined
environmental conditions were fed casein based semipurified diets containing eight levels of
vitamin C. CVC - F 90, a hydrogenated vegetable oil coated form of vitamin C with 90%
available ascorbic acid was used as the vitamin source.
Growth, survival, food conversion ratio, moulting rate and whole body ascorbic acid
content were found to be significantly affected by dietary vitamin C (P≤ 0.01). Below a level of
75 mg CVC - F 90 per kg of dry diet, deficiency syndromes like poor growth, survival and food
conversion, incomplete moulting and black lesions at the tip of walking legs were noticed. The
maximum weight gain of 194.92% was obtained with a dietary level of 150 mg eve - F 90 per
kg dry diet. Non-linear regression estimate based on percentage weight gain showed the
optimum requirement to be 200.3 mg CVC - F 90 per kg dry diet which is equivalent to 182.97
mg AAE / kg dry diet. The tissue ascorbic acid level seemed to reflect dietary levels of
Vitamin C. About 15 µ gm tissue ascorbic acid / g was required for maximum growth and
634.9 / GIJ/EV