Anila Mathew
Suitability of Sul-Po-Mag as a Potassium Cum Magnesium fertilizer for Banana in Kerala - Vellanikkara Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Horticulture 1997
The present investigation was carried out in the Department of Soil
Science and Agriculture Chemistry, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during the
period of September 1994 to August 1995. The study was aimed to bring to light the
suitability of Sul-Po-Mag as a potassium cum magnesium fertilizer for banana in
Kerala. The treatments included Sul-Po-Mag substitutes of potassium to the extend
of -25, 50 and 100 per cent in the normal recommended dose of NPK as urea,
diammonium phosphate and muriate of potash at the rate of 190 g N, 115 g P205
and 300 g K20 per plant per year. Treatments of muriate of potash supplemented
with magnesium and sulphur separately and with magnesium and sulphur together
were also included and they were compared with the recommended practice. The
experiment was laid out in randomised block design with three replication.
During the early stages of growth, the treatments failed to influence the
morphological characters such as height, girth and number of leaves of the plant.
But at the later stages, the girth and the number of leaves differed significantly and
the application of Sul-Po-Mag showed a favourable influence on these characters.
No significant difference was observed in characters like total number of suckers,
days to flower, days to mature and total duration of the crop among the treatments.
Among the bunch characters, numbers of hands, length and girth of
fingers and bunch weight were influenced by the difference in treatments while the
number of fingers per bunch and weight of fingers remained unaffected. The
maximum yield was given by the treatment where potassium was supplied by
Sul-Po-Mag and muriate of potash in half doses. Though the treatments differed
significantly in yield from the control, where no fertilizer was applied, the treat-
ments of muriate of potash and Sul-Po-Mag are on par indicating that Sul-Po-Mag is
as good as MOP for its capacity to meet potassium requirement of the crop.
The treatments did not differ significantly in quality parameters such as
reducing sugars, total sugars, sugar acid ratio, weight of pulp and peel and pulp peel
ratio. But significant difference was observed with total soluble solids, ascorbic acid
content, non reducing sugars and acidity. High value of these characters were
recorded with Sul-Po-Mag except for the reducing sugars and total sugars. Treat-
ments with magnesium and sulphur were found to decrease the sugar content of
fruits. High pulp peel ratio of Sul-Po-Mag treatments showed increased storage
The nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur contents of leaves remained
unaffected both at vegetative and harvest phases, while potassium, calcium and
magnesium differed significantly between the treatments. The contents in leaf of N,
P, K, Ca, Mg and S were decisively influenced by the treatments at the time of
shooting. Nutrient contents of leaves were found to increase till shooting and a
drastic reduction was observed thereafter. Calcium, magnesium and sulphur
contents in the fertilizer increased their availability in soil and the plant content.
Treatments with Sul-Po-Mag and magnesium showed high content of potassium
in leaves. The contents of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur were found
to be the highest in the pseudostem followed by leaves. Rhizome and fruit also
showed appreciable amount of these nutrients. The total uptake of potassium,
calcium, magnesium and sulphur ranged between 365.26-221.06, 73.57-57.97,
4.45-14.5 and 3.71-4.94 g plant-1 respectively. Only the total uptake of magnesium
was decisively influenced by the treatments. The maximum values of uptake of
magnesium found in treatment which was supplied with Mg equivalent to that
present in half dose of Sul-Po-Mag.
Available P, available K and available S contents of the soil were found
to be nonsignificant both at vegetative and harvest stages. The sulphate containing
treatments were found to decrease the pH of the soil. Maximum electrical
conductance was found with Mg supplied treatments. Organic carbon content was
found to be significant only at harvest stage. Calcium, magnesium and sulphur
contents in the fertilizer were found to increase the soil content of these elements.
631.4 / ANI/SU
Suitability of Sul-Po-Mag as a Potassium Cum Magnesium fertilizer for Banana in Kerala - Vellanikkara Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Horticulture 1997
The present investigation was carried out in the Department of Soil
Science and Agriculture Chemistry, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during the
period of September 1994 to August 1995. The study was aimed to bring to light the
suitability of Sul-Po-Mag as a potassium cum magnesium fertilizer for banana in
Kerala. The treatments included Sul-Po-Mag substitutes of potassium to the extend
of -25, 50 and 100 per cent in the normal recommended dose of NPK as urea,
diammonium phosphate and muriate of potash at the rate of 190 g N, 115 g P205
and 300 g K20 per plant per year. Treatments of muriate of potash supplemented
with magnesium and sulphur separately and with magnesium and sulphur together
were also included and they were compared with the recommended practice. The
experiment was laid out in randomised block design with three replication.
During the early stages of growth, the treatments failed to influence the
morphological characters such as height, girth and number of leaves of the plant.
But at the later stages, the girth and the number of leaves differed significantly and
the application of Sul-Po-Mag showed a favourable influence on these characters.
No significant difference was observed in characters like total number of suckers,
days to flower, days to mature and total duration of the crop among the treatments.
Among the bunch characters, numbers of hands, length and girth of
fingers and bunch weight were influenced by the difference in treatments while the
number of fingers per bunch and weight of fingers remained unaffected. The
maximum yield was given by the treatment where potassium was supplied by
Sul-Po-Mag and muriate of potash in half doses. Though the treatments differed
significantly in yield from the control, where no fertilizer was applied, the treat-
ments of muriate of potash and Sul-Po-Mag are on par indicating that Sul-Po-Mag is
as good as MOP for its capacity to meet potassium requirement of the crop.
The treatments did not differ significantly in quality parameters such as
reducing sugars, total sugars, sugar acid ratio, weight of pulp and peel and pulp peel
ratio. But significant difference was observed with total soluble solids, ascorbic acid
content, non reducing sugars and acidity. High value of these characters were
recorded with Sul-Po-Mag except for the reducing sugars and total sugars. Treat-
ments with magnesium and sulphur were found to decrease the sugar content of
fruits. High pulp peel ratio of Sul-Po-Mag treatments showed increased storage
The nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur contents of leaves remained
unaffected both at vegetative and harvest phases, while potassium, calcium and
magnesium differed significantly between the treatments. The contents in leaf of N,
P, K, Ca, Mg and S were decisively influenced by the treatments at the time of
shooting. Nutrient contents of leaves were found to increase till shooting and a
drastic reduction was observed thereafter. Calcium, magnesium and sulphur
contents in the fertilizer increased their availability in soil and the plant content.
Treatments with Sul-Po-Mag and magnesium showed high content of potassium
in leaves. The contents of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur were found
to be the highest in the pseudostem followed by leaves. Rhizome and fruit also
showed appreciable amount of these nutrients. The total uptake of potassium,
calcium, magnesium and sulphur ranged between 365.26-221.06, 73.57-57.97,
4.45-14.5 and 3.71-4.94 g plant-1 respectively. Only the total uptake of magnesium
was decisively influenced by the treatments. The maximum values of uptake of
magnesium found in treatment which was supplied with Mg equivalent to that
present in half dose of Sul-Po-Mag.
Available P, available K and available S contents of the soil were found
to be nonsignificant both at vegetative and harvest stages. The sulphate containing
treatments were found to decrease the pH of the soil. Maximum electrical
conductance was found with Mg supplied treatments. Organic carbon content was
found to be significant only at harvest stage. Calcium, magnesium and sulphur
contents in the fertilizer were found to increase the soil content of these elements.
631.4 / ANI/SU