Jyothish Mannambeth

Role of non governmental organisations (NGOs) in empowerment of farmers - Vellayani Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture 2000

Developmental programmes implemented through government
machinery could not bring about much changes in the rural sector as far as
the developmental aspects are concerned. At the same time, many of the
NGOs working in the rural areas could bring about attractive results. So a
study was undertaken to identify the dimensions of empowerment of
farmers through NGOs, to study the roles played by NGOs, to study the
extent of people participation and to develop a strategy for empowerment of
farmers. Kannur district was selected as the locale of study and ten
functional NGOs were randomly selected. From each NGO, ten beneficiaries
and ten non beneficiaries were selected as respondents. Data was collected
using structured pre tested interview schedule. Nineteen variables were
selected for the study and from that fourteen variables identifies as
dimensions of empowerment. The beneficiaries were found better compared
to non beneficiaries in almost all the variables studied. The perception about
the role of NGOs were more with the beneficiaries than non beneficiaries.
Extent of participation in. the various activities were also more with
beneficiary farmers. Lack of evaluation, Non co-operation from the
government side and lack of financial support and lack of follow up were the
main constraints faced by •NGOs. The steps for strengthening NGOs include
effort from government side, training of staff, constant touch with academic
institutes properly documented programmes, coordination between NGOs
and experimenting with new ideas. Strategy for empwerment of farmers aims
at collection of data, assessing needs, creating awareness, establishing
rapport, identification of resources, organising people in subgroups, defining
goals and achieving objectives.

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