Veena Vidyadharan

Integrated Nutrient Management for Arrow Root Under Partial Shade - Vellayani Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture 2000

A field experiment was conducted in the Instructional Farm, College of
Agriculture, Vellayani from June 1999 to March 2000 to study the efficacy of
conjoint use of varying levels of organic manure and fertilizers for yield
improvement of arrow root under partial shade. The treatments included three
levels each of FYM (10, 15 and 20 t ha"), Nand K (40,80 and 120 kg each of
Nand K20 ha-I). A uniform dose of 50 kg P20S ha-I was applied to all the
plots. The experiment was laid out in a 33 partially confounded RBD
confounding MNKin replication I and M2NK in replication 11.
Application of FYM had profound influence on growth characters like
plant height, sucker number, leaf number and dry matter production.
Nitrogen also exerted significant influence on growth characters like plant
height, sucker number, leaf area index and dry matter production. The effect
of K was significant on dry matter production at the harvest stage and 80 kg
K20 ha-I was found sufficient for higher dry matter production.
Number of rhizomes per plant at harvest showed an increasing trend
with increasing levels of FYM. Girth of rhizome and weight of rhizome per
plant were influenced by the combined application of FYM and fertilizers.
Higher rhizome yields were realised at the medium levels of FYM (15 t ha-I),
N (80 kg ha") and K (80 kg K20 ha-I). The combined application of 20 t
FYM, 40 kg Nand 120 kg K20 ha-I or 20 t FYM and 80 kg each of Nand
K20 ha-I produced higher yields closely followed by lOt FYM + 120 kg N +

80 kg K20 ha"l. FYM @ 15 t ha', N @ 80 kg ha"1 and K @ 80 kg K20 ha"1
produced higher utilization index.
The highest starch content and the lowest crude fibre content of the
rhizome were recorded by the highest level of K (120 kg K20 ha ") tried while
the highest protein content was recorded by the highest level of FYM (20 t ha')
and N (120 kg ha ") applied.
Application of FYM @ .20 t ha"1 enhanced the uptake of N, P and K as
well as the post-harvest soil nutrient status. For higher N uptake, application
of 80 kg N ha"1 was found sufficient. Uptake of K as well as available K in
the soil after the experiment showed an increasing trend with increasing
levels of K application.
The study indicated that combined application of lOt FYM, 120 kg N
and 80 kg K20 hal along with 50 kg P205 ha"1 is most advantageous for arrow
root intercropped in coconut garden which resulted in the highest net income
and benefit-cost ratio in the laterite soils of Vellayani.

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