Shijimol E A

Human resources management in district co-opreative banks of Kerala - Vellanikkara Department of Co- operative Management, College of Co- operation, Banking and Management 2002

The study entitled "Human Resource Management in
District Co-operative Banks of Kerala" was conducted with the
following objectives:
1. To examine the relatlonship between the Human Resource
Management practices and job satisfaction levels of branch
managers in District Co-operative Banks .• and
2. To examine the job performance of the branch managers in
Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted to select
the sample banks for the study. Three District Co-operative Banks
(DCBs) out of 14 DCBs namely Ernakulam District Co-operative Bank
(EDCB), Thiruvananthapuram District Co-operative Bank (TDCB) and
Kozhikode District Co-operative Bank (KDCB) were selected based on
the performance parameters. Fifty per cent of the branch managers
were selected from the sample banks on the conditions that the
branch had more than ten years existence and the branch manager
had a minimum experience of three years. Statistical tools used for
analysing the collected data include percentages. correlation and
regression model.
The study revealed that the Human Resource
Management (HRM) practices of the sample banks were almost
similar because of the applicability of uniform rules and regulations
governing co-operative banks. A scientifically based HRM practice
was totally absent in DCBs of Kerala. Hence there is an imperative

the need for proper planning, development and maintenance of
human resources.
Regarding job satisfaction in relation to human resource
management, it was revealed that branch managers have medium
level of satisfaction in all the three banks. Satisfaction level can be
improved by adopting strategies for human resource planning,
recruitment and selection, training and development, performance
appraisal, transfer, promotion, motivation, grievance redressal,
salary administration and relationship with trade unions. Bank wise
analysis revealed that EDCB had the maximum number of employees
with higher job satisfaction. According to the perception of the
branch managers, salary administration was found to be the most
important function of HRM.
The job performance level of branch managers in DCBs of
Kerala showed moderate performance. The inter bank analysis
revealed that EDCB had the maximum number of high performing
branch managers. According to the branch managers, business
capacity was the most important factor determining job performance.
Variables like problems faced and significant achievements showed
insignificant relations in job performance.
There was positive relation between job satisfaction and
job performance. The estimation on the basis of regression equations
also support that there was significant relation of the selected
variables on job satisfaction.

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