Ajitha R

Dietary Habits of Senior Citizens - Vellayani Department of Home Science, College of Agriculture 2000

The study entitled "Dietary habits of senior citizens", was conducted to assess
the dietary pattern of senior citizens as influenced by physical, psychological, socio-

economic factors. Two hundred elderly citizens in the age group of 65-75 years from
urban (100) and rural (100) areas ofTrivandrum were selected for the study. There was
major variations between rural and urban elderly as well as male and female elderly as far
as their economic, social and personal profile were examined, which could influence their
dietary pattern directly or indirectly. The urban citizens had better educational status than
rural citizens. Though there were no major variations in the number of citizens currently
employed both among urban and rural citizens, there was significant variation in their
dietary habits. The meal pattern of urban citizens were relatively adequate than rural
citizens. The inclusion of nutritious foods were less among rural citizens. Both urban and
rural citizens had made changes in their diet due to problems related to aging.
The personal habits like smoking, tobacco use, alcohol, consumption were less
among urban citizens. They had also perceived their health to be good. They had better
functional ability (mainly IADL), and also better physical and social environment. The
female citizens had better body weight than men and the prevalence of deficiency diseases
and other degenerative diseases were low among them. But male citizens were doing
strenuous activity and they had better functional capacity than females.
The results of the study revealed a significant association between dietary habits
of the elderly and their socio-economic and personal characteristics. It was observed

that the age had a significant influence on current dietary pattern and number of meals
consumed. Age also was found to influence the consumption of milk, meat, egg and
Current employment was found to have a significance influence on the number
of meals taken out. Among rural citizens the number of meals consumed per day and
their habit of dining out had a significant bearing on the body mass index. Less consumption
of pulses, milk, commercial health preparations and supplements were found to have a
significant influence on the presence of deficiency diseases among rural elderly. Social
relationships were also found to have a significant influence on the current dietary pattern.
Frequency of taking alcohol was found to have a profound influence on number of meals
consumed both among rural and urban citizens.
In general the study revealed that the urban elderly had better dietary habits,
living arrangements and greater freedom to spend money. But the rural elderly were
found to be performing strenuous activity even at the age of seventy though they had diets
containing lesser amount of protective foods. It was also found that the dietary habits of
the elderly were influen~ed significantly by their social and economic conditions, rather
than by functional or psychological factors.

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