Tree-crop interactions: agroforestry in a changing climate [electronic resource] Edited by C. K. Ong, C. R. Black, J. Wilson. - 2 - Wallingford UK CABI 2015 - 344pp.; - CABI Books . - CABI Books .

This new edition provides an update on the considerable amount of evidence on tree-crop interactions which has accumulated during the last two decades, especially on the more complex multi-strata agroforestry systems, which are typical of the humid tropics. In addition three new chapters have been added to describe the new advances in the relationship between climate change adaptation, rural development and how trees and agroforestry will contribute to a likely reduction in vulnerability to climate change in developing countries


10.1079/9781780645117.0000 doi

trees rural development agrisilvicultural systems agrisilviculture woody plants climate change agroforestry systems plant water relations agroforestry multipurpose trees agrosilvicultural systems tropical countries tropical zones plants agriforestry water balance tropics agro-forestry adaptation mixed cropping cropping systems eukaryotes climatic change
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