Akhila, M C
Job satisfaction of middle and lower level employees in fertilizers and chemical Travancore (FACT) ltd. Udyogamandal, Kochi - Vellanikkara College of Co-operation, Banking and Management 2024 - 117,XIIIp.
Agribusiness Management
Job satisfaction
Middle and lower level employees
Fertilizers and chemical Travancore
380.141 / AKH/JO PG
Job satisfaction of middle and lower level employees in fertilizers and chemical Travancore (FACT) ltd. Udyogamandal, Kochi - Vellanikkara College of Co-operation, Banking and Management 2024 - 117,XIIIp.
Agribusiness Management
Job satisfaction
Middle and lower level employees
Fertilizers and chemical Travancore
380.141 / AKH/JO PG