Organic nano NPK fomulations for enhanching soil health and productivity (Record no. 194206)
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000 -LEADER | |
fixed length control field | 08341nam a22001817a 4500 |
Classification number | 631.4 |
Item number | NIB/OR PhD |
Personal name | Nibin P.M. |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Organic nano NPK fomulations for enhanching soil health and productivity |
Place of publication, distribution, etc | Vellayani |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc | Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture |
Date of publication, distribution, etc | 2019 |
Extent | 281p |
Dissertation note | PhD |
520 3# - SUMMARY, ETC. | |
Abstract | The present investigation entitled “Organic nano NPK formulations for enhancing soil health and productivity” was carried out from July 2017 to February 2019 in the Model Organic Farm under the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Vellayani. The objectives of the study were to characterize organic nano NPK formulations, assess the nutrient release pattern under laboratory conditions and study the effect of soil and foliar applications of organic nano NPK formulations on crop growth, yield, quality and soil health using okra as direct test crop and amaranthus as residual test crop. The first part of the experiment comprised characterization of granular and liquid nano NPK formulations. During characterization study physical, physico-chemical and biochemical properties of nano NPK formulations were estimated. The particle size of granular and liquid nano NPK formulations were 83.20 nm and 71.79 nm, respectively. The surface area of granular nano NPK formulation was 138.95 m2 g-1. The pH of granular nano NPK was neutral and that of liquid nano NPK was slightly acidic. Primary, secondary and micro nutrient contents (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and B) in both granular and liquid nano NPK formulations were analysed. Heavy metals such as As and Cd were not detected in the nano NPK formulations and Pb, Ni and Cr detected were below the permissible limit. Organic carbon, total amino acid and organic matter fractions of granular nano NPK were also determined. The second part of the experiment was a laboratory incubation study, conducted to assess the nutrient release pattern of granular nano NPK formulation for a period of 75 days. The study comprised of 8 treatments with 3 replications. Treatments included Soil alone (T1), Soil + FYM (12 t ha-1) (T2), Soil + nano NPK 12.5 kg ha-1 (T3), Soil + FYM (12 t ha-1) + nano NPK 12.5 kg ha-1 (T4), Soil + nano NPK 25 kg ha-1 (T5), Soil + FYM (12 t ha-1) + nano NPK 25 kg ha-1 (T6), Soil + nano NPK 50 kg ha-1 (T7) and Soil + FYM (12 t ha-1) + nano NPK.50 kg ha-1 (T8). In general, pH, EC and organic carbon content of incubated soil significantly increased throughout the incubation period. There was a significant difference in the available nutrient status of primary, secondary and micronutrients throughout the period of incubation. In general all the available nutrients increased upto 45th day of incubation and thereafter showed a decreasing trend except for K, where K showed an increasing trend upto 60th day and thereafter declined on 75th day. In the case of available Fe, Mn and Cu, the nutrient release increased upto 45th day of incubation and then declined. Zn showed a varying pattern of release. T1 (Soil alone treatment) recorded the least nutrient release pattern throughout the incubation period. The third part of the study consisted of four field experiments to study the efficacy of organic nano NPK formulations on crop growth, yield, quality and soil health using okra as the direct test crop and amaranthus as residual test crop. The field experiment on okra followed by amaranthus was repeated once again for confirmatory results. The field studies were carried out in a lattice design with 16 treatments and 3 replications. Treatments consisted of soil application of granular nano NPK at 3 levels (12.5 kg ha-1, 25 kg ha-1 and 50 kg ha-1) with and without FYM, foliar application of liquid nano NPK at 2 levels (0.2% and 0.4%) with and without FYM and combined application of granular and liquid nano NPK formulations with and without FYM. Growth, physiological and yield attributes of okra (direct test crop of first and third field experiment) viz., plant height, LAI, DMP, chlorophyll content, days to 50 % flowering, fruit length, fruit girth, number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight and total fruit yield were significantly influenced by the soil and foliar applications of organic nano NPK formulations. Treatment that received FYM + soil application of granular nano NPK formulation 12.5 kg ha-1 along with foliar application of liquid nano NPK formulation 0.4 per cent was found to be the best with respect to yield and yield attributes. Quality parameters of the fruit viz., crude protein, crude fibre and ascorbic acid contents were influenced by the application of organic nano NPK formulations. Post harvest analysis of soil for physical, chemical, biological and biochemical properties after the first and third experiments was done and was found to be significantly influenced by the treatments except for the bulk density of the soil. Highest NUE of 30.81 % and 31.38 % was recorded by the treatment T12 for the first and second direct crop, respectively. In general, microbial load viz., bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes were significantly influenced by the application of organic nano NPK formulations. With respect to nutrient uptake by the plants, T12 recorded the highest uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu for first and second direct test crop (okra). The highest B:C ratio of 2.27 was also recorded by T12 for both the okra crops. The residual effect of nano NPK formulations on growth, yield, quality and soil health was studied by raising amaranthus as test crop in the same field after the harvest of the direct test crops (okra). Highest plant height, DMP and yield were recorded in T12 in both residual crops. Quality parameters of residual crop were analysed and T12 registered the lowest oxalate and nitrate content. The highest vitamin C was recorded by T12. Post harvest analysis of soil revealed that pH, OC, labile carbon, available N, P, K, Ca, Mg, micronutrients and enzymatic activities were significantly influenced due to the residual effect of organic nano NPK formulations by soil and foliar application. Regarding the uptake of nutrients, T14 (FYM (12 t ha-1) + soil nano (25 kg ha-1) + foliar nano NPK (0.2%)) recorded the highest uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and micronutrients (Fe, Mn and Zn). The highest B: C ratio of 1.99 was registered in T12 in first residual experiment. Similarly B:C ratio of 1.81 was recorded in the treatment T12 in second residual experiment. The present study revealed that both granular and liquid nano NPK formulations satisfied nano specifications having particle size less than 100 nm and high surface area. Organic nano NPK formulations contained primary, secondary, micronutrients, organic carbon, amino acid, humic acid etc. From the incubation study, in general, it was revealed that granular nano NPK formulation was found to be capable of releasing nutrients slowly for a period of 45 days and thereafter showed declining trend. Treatment which received Soil + FYM (12 t ha-1) + nano NPK (25 kg ha-1) was superior with respect to the nutrient release. Among the different treatments, application of FYM (12 t ha-1) + soil nano NPK (12.5 kg ha-1) + foliar nano NPK (0.4%) was found to be the best resulting in highest growth, yield and yield attributes of okra, the direct test crop. Similar trend was observed with respect to residual crop (amaranthus) also. But for the nutrient uptake of the residual crop, FYM (12 t ha-1) + granular nano NPK (25 kg ha-1) + foliar nano NPK (0.2%) showed a significant influence over the other treatments. From the study it was concluded that combined application of granular organic nano NPK at 12.5 kg ha-1 with foliar application of liquid nano NPK 0.4 per cent at biweekly intervals can substitute conventional fertilizers for sustainable crop production and healthy environment. Organic nano NPK formulations are ecofriendly and organically certified which can totally substitute conventional fertilizers and are considered as a boon for organic farming |
Topical term or geographic name as entry element | Soil health and productivity |
Topical term or geographic name as entry element | Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry |
Personal name | Ushakumari K. (Guide) |
Uniform Resource Identifier | |
Source of classification or shelving scheme | |
Item type | Theses |
Not for loan | Collection code | Permanent location | Current location | Shelving location | Date acquired | Full call number | Barcode | Date last seen | Koha item type |
Not For Loan | Reference Book | KAU Central Library, Thrissur | KAU Central Library, Thrissur | Theses | 2020-04-29 | 631.4 NIB/OR PhD | 174748 | 2020-04-29 | Theses |