Magnesium and boron nutrition of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in laterite soils
By: P Venkata Ramana.
Contributor(s): R Gladis (Guide).
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KAU Central Library, Thrissur Theses | Reference Book | 631.4 VEN/MA (Browse shelf) | Not For Loan | 173393 |
The present investigation on"Magnesium and boron nutrition of black pepper
(Piper nigrum L.) in laterite soils" was carried out at the College of Agriculture,
Padannakkad and Pepper Research Station, Panniyur during 2013-14 to asses the
effect of magnesium and boron on available nutrient status of soil, yield and quality
of black pepper.
Two pot culture and two field experiments for soil and foliar application were
laid out separately in CRD and RBD respectively with 9 treatments replicated thrice.
Different dOset of MgS04 @ 0, 20 and 40 g vine-I as soil application in pot culture
experiment and 0, 100 and 200 g vine" as soil application in the field experiment and
0, 0.5% and 1% foliar spray in the pot and field experiments and bor~ @ 0, 2 and 4
g vine" as soil application in pot culture experiment and 0, 20, 40 g vine" as soil
application in field experiment and 0, 0.5% and 1% foliar spray in pot and field
experiments were tried.
In the pot culture experiment where Mg and B were applied to black (bush)
pepper, variety Panniyur-I as soil application, the growth parameters like number of
leaves, number of branches and leaf area were significantly influenced by the
different treatments and the highest values were recorded in treatment receiving 40g
MgS04 and 4g borax. The treatments could not significantly influence the available
N status of soil. The available nutrients in soil viz. K, Ca, Mn, Zn and Cu were found
to be the highest in treatment receiving 40g MgS04 and 4g borax. The effect of
various treatments on B content in soil and leaves at 6th and 9th months after planting
was found to be significant. Treatment receiving 40g MgS04 and 4g boraxwas
superior to all other treatments. Similar trend of results were also obtained for Mg
content in soil and plant of pepper leaves. The yield parameters like number of spike
per vine, number of berries per spike, berry yield and spike yield were increased by
application of Mg and B with the highest value in the treatment receiving 40 g
MgS04+ 4gborax.The highest oleoresin content of 11.66%and the highest
piperinecontent was obtained in the same treatment.
In pot culture experiment involving foliar application, treatment receiving 1 %
MgS04+ 0.5% borax recorded significantly higher number of spikes, number of
berries per spike, 100 berry weight and berry yield.With respect to available nutrient
status of soil, this treatment was superior to all other treatments for N,P,K,Ca,Fe,Mn
and Cu. The Band Mg status of soil and plant was also highest in the treatment
receiving 1 % MgS04 and 0.5% borax at both stages (6, 9 MAP).The application of
1% MgS04+O.5% borax recorded maximum berry yield of 120.7 g plant" A similar
trend of results was obtained with respect to spike yield and qual ity parameters.
( The results of field experiment involving soil application of Band Mg clearly
indicated that application of 200g MgS04+ 20g borax was superior to all other
treatments with respect to number of berries, spike length, spike yield, number of
spikes per m2and oleoresin content. With respect to available nutrient status of soil
also the same treatmentgave significantly higher available P, K, Ca, Mn and Cu
compared to all other treatments. The Band Mg status of soil and plant at berry
formation stage was also highest in treatment receiving 200g MgS04 and 20g borax
In field experiment where the treatments were applied as foliar spray, the
treatment receiving 0.5% MgS04 and 1 % borax recorded significantly higher spike
yield, number of berries, number of spikes per m2,boron and magnesium content of
soil and plant and oleoresin content. The piperine content was not significantly
influenced by the treatments.
The results of the experiments involving soil and foliar application of Mg and B
clearly indicated that in the case of soil application, application of 40g MgS04+4g
borax in pot experiment and 200g MgS04+20g borax in field experiment
significantly influenced the available nutrient status of soil, yield and yield attributes
of black pepper. In the case of pot experiment involving foliar application, the use of
1 % MgS04+O.5% borax was superior with respect to available nutrient status, yield
and yield attributes of black pepper. Application of 0.5% MgS04 + 1 % borax
produced on par results. In the case of field experiment, the treatment receivingO.5%
MgS04 + 1 % borax was superior to all other treatments.
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