Evaluation of long pepper (Piper longum L) genotypes for growth flowering and yield
By: Maheswari R S Nair.
Contributor(s): B Suma (Guide).
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KAU Central Library, Thrissur Theses | Reference Book | 633.8 MAH/EV (Browse shelf) | Not For Loan | 173452 |
Long pepper (Piper longum L.) belonging to the family Piperaceae is one among the 14 medicinal plants which has high demand in indigenous drug industry and is also prioritized for cultivation and development by National Medicinal Plant Board. Even though long pepper is well adapted for cultivation as an intercrop in coconut, arecanut and rubber plantations of Kerala, its cultivation is limited due to poor returns from the crop on account of high expenditure on harvesting due to staggered flowering and lack of high yielding varieties with high dry recovery.
Germplasm collection of long pepper was initiated at the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices and was further strengthened by KSCSTE funded project and 60 types were assembled. After an initial evaluation, 42 types were selected including check variety ‘Viswam’ for the present study. The present investigations on “Evaluation of “long pepper” (Piper longum L.) genotypes for growth, flowering and yield” was carried out in Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during December 2012 to May 2014. The objectives of the study were to catalogue the germplasm accessions of long pepper, to study the flowering behavior fruit set and quality and to identify superior long pepper genotypes with high yield and quality. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design, comprised of 42 treatments and six replications.
The accessions studied were collected from Western Ghat regions of Kerala and also entries from NBPGR which includes the collections from different regions of Karnataka and Tirunelveli. Characters studied include six qualitative and eighteen quantitative characters including biochemical attributes. Cataloguing of accessions for qualitative characters using IPGRI descriptor for Piper nigrum revealed wide variation among accessions in growth habit, runner shoot production, leaf shape (base, lamina, margin), spike shape and spike colour.
Among the forty two accessions studied, it was noticed that thirty eight accessions were found to be female, three found to be male and one non-flowering type. Maximum inflorescence (more than 55 per cent) was produced during June, July and August and minimum (less than 5 per cent) during December and January. In PL 42, PL 53 and PL 57 flowering was extended during May to October. Coefficient of variation for year round flowering ranged from 7.34 per cent to 46.32 per cent.
Among accessions, number of primary branches, spike bearing branches per primary branch and leaves per plant ranged from 1.00 to 8.00, 1.00 to 6.71 and 21.67 to 166.0, respectively. The plant height, petiole length, internodal length of spike bearing branches and leaf area ranged from 39.67 cm to 88.33cm, 1.11 cm to 7.56 cm, 1.86 cm to 7.38 cm and 25.98 cm2 to 63.87 cm 2, respectively. The days from planting to emergence and emergence to maturity of spike in female types ranged from 77 to 146 days and 60 to 80 days whereas, male accessions took 135-141 days and 61-64 days, respectively.
Number of spikes/spike bearing branch ranged from 1.00 to 3.21 and coefficient of variation observed were 54.81%. Spike length and girth varied from 0.90 cm to 3.10 cm and 3.75 mm to 8.86 mm in female accessions and male accessions from 8.10 cm to 8.18 cm, and 4mm to 4.03 mm respectively. Coefficient of variation for spike length and girth were 7.87 per cent and 6.83 per cent , respectively. Fresh weight per spike recorded highest in PL8 (1.06 g) and dry weight per spike recorded maximum in PL 12(0.20 g). Fresh and dry yield per plant was recorded highest in PL8 which was on par with PL9 along with check variety Viswam. Coefficient of variation observed for fresh and dry yield per plant as 122.45 per cent and 120.44 per cent, respectively. Spike set percent was shown maximum by PL 8 (97.42 per cent) and driage by PL 49 (20.66 per cent).
Based on yield parameters, PL 5, PL 8, PL 9, PL 15, PL 23, PL 24 and PL 25 along with check variety were selected as superior accessions. For volatile oil,
oleoresin and piperine content, accessions PL 5, PL 8, PL 12 and PL 50 were promising.
Cluster analysis among 42 accessions based on qualitative characters and 20 accessions based on quantitative characters were done by using Multivariate Hierrarchial Cluster Analysis using NTSYS software. The dendrogram derived through qualitative characteristics showed degree of similarity varying from 26 to 100 and at 81 per cent similarity long pepper accessions were grouped into seven clusters. Based on quantitative data, the accessions showed only 14 per cent similarity. Since the accessions showed wide variability it can be utilized in future breeding programmes.
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