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Specifications of an integrated information system for micro level planning in agriculture: a user-centered analysis

By: Sulaja O R.
Contributor(s): Jiju P Alex (Guide).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Vellanikkara Department of agricultural extension, College of horticulture 2015Description: 168 Pages.Subject(s): Agricultural extensionDDC classification: 630.71 Online resources: Click here to access online Dissertation note: PhD Abstract: Micro level planning is a dynamic process which involves planning at the grassroots level taking into consideration the individual, family and category of the community. Considering the diversity of crops and the geographical and socio- economic characteristics of agriculture, micro level planning has been suggested as the best way to plan agricultural development projects. Kerala has evolved a robust mechanism for micro level planning through democratic decentralization. Micro level planning is highly information intensive and it requires information flow from different hierarchical levels. This study appraised the current status of micro level planning in agriculture in Kerala with respect to use of databases and information. The study tried to characterize the legacy databases and types of information used for this purpose, with focus on availability and completeness of data. Along side, the study attempted to evolve a typology of information and development databases required for micro level planning. Specifications regarding the content and hierarchy of an ‘Integrated Information System for Micro Level Planning in Agriculture’ was also formulated. The study employed an ex-post facto design to suit the objectives. Sample included 132 respondents, with 66 officers of the Department of Agriculture working with the Grama Panchayat, Block Panchayat and District Panchayat selected and 66 People’s Representatives who were Chairmen of the working groups on agriculture at the rate of one from each local body. In order to find out the legacy databases available at the local level, details of various registers kept in Krishi Bhavans and Grama Panchayaths were compiled and classified. Krishi Bhavans maintained 140 registers under six major categories and Grama Panchayats were found to maintain171 registers under 23 categories. The registers were classified based on practical use, nature of data entry, mandatory nature and based on purpose. Registers were again categorized based on the frequency of updating, number of data fields, completeness, subsectors of agriculture and adequacy. The data support provided by legacy registers for different stages of micro level planning viz., resource appraisal, planning, beneficiary selection, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and follow up was also explored. Analysis of the socio economic and psychological profile of respondents and their perception on efficacy of micro level planning was also attempted. Comparison of the perception on efficacy of micro level planning, which included four dimensions such as planning, participation, implementation and impact, showed that ‘planning’ was perceived as the most important dimension by Extension Personnel and ‘participation’ was perceived as the most important by People’s Representatives. Analysis of the perception on efficacy of legacy databases which included four dimensions viz., completeness, adequacy, reliability and updatability showed that ‘reliability’ was perceived as the most important dimension by both Extension Personnel and People’s Representatives. Perception on the proposed Integrated Information System for Micro Level Planning in Agriculture was studied under four dimensions viz., comprehensiveness, usability, updatability and spatial and temporal orientation. Both the groups perceived ‘usability’ as the most important dimension. Scores on the awareness of stakeholders on rural databases and information systems showed that 75 per cent of the respondents were in medium category. The information items required for micro level planning were identified and grouped into 16 categories viz. land, water, soil, climate, demographic characteristics, socio-economic characteristics, crops, technology, infrastructure, mechanization, institutions, market, government policies, government programmes for agricultural development, project monitoring and existing perspective plans. The overall information requirement of stakeholders in micro level planning showed that information on government policies was the most needed and valuable data, followed by data on government programmes and data on project monitoring. The different stakeholder institutions involved in micro level planning mechanism were identified and the data support provided by them was explored. Soil Survey Department, Land Use Board and Village Office were found to provide pertinent data for micro level planning. With regards to constraints, Extension Personnel and People’s Representatives identified lack of proper mechanisms for regular updation of data as the most severe constraint. The study also proposed a conceptual model for an Integrated Information System for Micro Level Planning in Agriculture.
List(s) this item appears in: 2014 -17 | 01. Department of Agricultural Extension, CoA Thrissur All Thesis
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Micro level planning is a dynamic process which involves planning at the grassroots level
taking into consideration the individual, family and category of the community. Considering the
diversity of crops and the geographical and socio- economic characteristics of agriculture, micro
level planning has been suggested as the best way to plan agricultural development projects.
Kerala has evolved a robust mechanism for micro level planning through democratic
decentralization. Micro level planning is highly information intensive and it requires information
flow from different hierarchical levels.
This study appraised the current status of micro level planning in agriculture in Kerala with
respect to use of databases and information. The study tried to characterize the legacy databases
and types of information used for this purpose, with focus on availability and completeness of
data. Along side, the study attempted to evolve a typology of information and development
databases required for micro level planning. Specifications regarding the content and hierarchy
of an ‘Integrated Information System for Micro Level Planning in Agriculture’ was also
The study employed an ex-post facto design to suit the objectives. Sample included 132
respondents, with 66 officers of the Department of Agriculture working with the Grama
Panchayat, Block Panchayat and District Panchayat selected and 66 People’s Representatives
who were Chairmen of the working groups on agriculture at the rate of one from each local body.
In order to find out the legacy databases available at the local level, details of various
registers kept in Krishi Bhavans and Grama Panchayaths were compiled and classified. Krishi
Bhavans maintained 140 registers under six major categories and Grama Panchayats were found
to maintain171 registers under 23 categories. The registers were classified based on practical use,
nature of data entry, mandatory nature and based on purpose. Registers were again categorized
based on the frequency of updating, number of data fields, completeness, subsectors of
agriculture and adequacy. The data support provided by legacy registers for different stages of
micro level planning viz., resource appraisal, planning, beneficiary selection, implementation,
monitoring, evaluation and follow up was also explored.
Analysis of the socio economic and psychological profile of respondents and their
perception on efficacy of micro level planning was also attempted. Comparison of the perception
on efficacy of micro level planning, which included four dimensions such as planning,
participation, implementation and impact, showed that ‘planning’ was perceived as the most
important dimension by Extension Personnel and ‘participation’ was perceived as the most
important by People’s Representatives.
Analysis of the perception on efficacy of legacy databases which included four dimensions
viz., completeness, adequacy, reliability and updatability showed that ‘reliability’ was perceived
as the most important dimension by both Extension Personnel and People’s Representatives.
Perception on the proposed Integrated Information System for Micro Level Planning in
Agriculture was studied under four dimensions viz., comprehensiveness, usability, updatability
and spatial and temporal orientation. Both the groups perceived ‘usability’ as the most important
dimension. Scores on the awareness of stakeholders on rural databases and information systems
showed that 75 per cent of the respondents were in medium category.
The information items required for micro level planning were identified and grouped into
16 categories viz. land, water, soil, climate, demographic characteristics, socio-economic
characteristics, crops, technology, infrastructure, mechanization, institutions, market,
government policies, government programmes for agricultural development, project monitoring
and existing perspective plans. The overall information requirement of stakeholders in micro
level planning showed that information on government policies was the most needed and
valuable data, followed by data on government programmes and data on project monitoring.
The different stakeholder institutions involved in micro level planning mechanism were
identified and the data support provided by them was explored. Soil Survey Department, Land
Use Board and Village Office were found to provide pertinent data for micro level planning.
With regards to constraints, Extension Personnel and People’s Representatives identified lack of
proper mechanisms for regular updation of data as the most severe constraint. The study also
proposed a conceptual model for an Integrated Information System for Micro Level Planning in

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