Regulation of growth and flowering in Heliconia spp.
By: Kokila K R.
Contributor(s): Satheeshan K N (Guide).
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KAU Central Library, Thrissur Theses | Reference Book | 634.1 KOK/RE (Browse shelf) | Not For Loan | 173714 |
The experiment entitled “Regulation of growth and flowering in Heliconia spp.” was carried out with the objective to assess the growth and productivity of heliconia as influenced by photo selective shade nets and external application of bio-regulators, at College of Agriculture, Padannakkad during 2014-2016.
Response of heliconia to photo selective shade nets was evaluated with following treatments. They were T1- (red shade net 25 %), T2- (red shade net 50 %), T3-(blue shade net 25 %) , T4-(blue shade net 50 %), T5- (grey shade net 25 %), T6- (grey shade net 50 %), T7- (green shade net 25 %), T8- (green shade net 50 %), T9-(under coconut plantation), T10-(open condition). The photo selective shade nets significantly influenced numbers of tillers per plant, plant height, leaf area, leaf chlorophyll, dry weight of shoots, total plant biomass, number of inflorescence per plant, number of floret per inflorescence, bract length and inflorescence length. However no significant influence was observed on days to tillering, number of leaves, days to flowering, duration from inflorescence emergence to harvest, number of bracts, width of bracts, interspace between bracts, stalk length, dry weight of inflorescence and vase life of inflorescence.
Response of heliconia to bioregulators was evaluated with treatments viz, T1: (paclobutrazol 10 ppm), T2: (paclobutrazol 20 ppm), T3: (paclobutrazol 30 ppm), T4: (cycocel 250 ppm), T5: (cycocel 500 ppm), T6: (cycocel 750 ppm), T7: (ethephon 10 ppm), T8: (ethephon 20 ppm), T9: (ethephon 30 ppm), T10: (control). Bioregulators significantly influenced number of tillers, number of leaves, plant height, leaf area, chlorophyll content, dry weight of shoot, days to flowering, number of inflorescence per plant, number of florets per inflorescence, length and width of bract, inflorescence length, stalk length and dry weight of inflorescence. There were no significant differences on days to tillering, total plant biomass, duration of inflorescence emergence to harvest, number of bracts, interspace between bracts and vase life of inflorescence. Among the photo selective shade nets, grey shade net (25 %) and among the bioregulators, paclobutrazol 20 ppm led to the production of maximum number of inflorescence per plant.
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