Biometrical studies in Cashew (Araeardium Occidentale L.) Hybrids
By: Manoj PS.
Contributor(s): George T E (Guide).
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KAU Central Library, Thrissur Theses | 634.1 MAN/BI (Browse shelf) | Available | 170357 |
An investigation to determine the extent of variability and degree of association of quantitative characters in cashew and to evaluate F1 hybrids of cashew for growth parameters, floral traits, yield attributes and apple characters was carried out with ten year old fifty six F1 hybrids of cashew belonging to twelve parental combinations at the Department of Pomology and Floriculture, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 1990-92. The hybrids and parents were evaluated for four growth parameters, five floral traits, six yield attributes and seven apple characters for two seasons.
Variability studies showed that wide variability in terms of range and coefficient of variation existed in the hybrids as well as parents for all the characters studied. Hybrids showed the highest degree of variation for the character nut yield per tree followed by titrable acidity and per cent hermaphrodite flowers.
Nut yield per tree exhibited maximum significant positive correlation with mean canopy spread followed by girth of the tree, number of nuts per panicle, weight of kernel, duration of flowering, leaf area, height of the tree and individual nut weight.
Weight of the kernel displayed the highest positive direct effect on nut yield per tree followed by mean canopy spread and number of nuts per panicle while individual nut weight and weight of apple had negative direct effects.
The correlation studies and path coefficient analysis identified the important biometric characters which contribute towards nut yield per tree in cashew as weight of kernel, mean canopy spread, number of nuts per panicle, girth of the tree, leaf area, duration of flowering and height of the tree in that order of priority.
The principal component analysis and step-wise regression procedure gave two yield prediction models for cashew with the latter having a higher R2 value.
Based on the discriminant function analysis, and selection index values, six hybrids viz., H-342, H-402, H-419, H-354, H-376 and H-340 were identified as superior to the rest of the hybrids studied. All these selected hybrids exhibited heterosis for nut yield per tree over their respective mid-parents, better parents and standard variety Madakkathara -1. They also showed standard heterosis for individual nut weight and weight of karnel and had superior export grades.
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