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Nutrient Content And Decomposition Of Leaf Litter Of Acacia Mangium Willd.As Affected By Season And Field Conditions

By: Ramakrishna Hegde.
Contributor(s): Gopikumar K (Guide).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 1995DDC classification: 634.9 Online resources: Click here to access online Dissertation note: MSc Abstract: A detailed experiment was conducted at the College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, during the period from 1993 to 1995 to study the nutrient content and pattern of leaf litter decomposition of Acacia mangium Wild. During south west monsoon and north east monsoon seasons. The experiment was conducted both in home garden and open area. The rate of decomposition was faster in all the study situations. The initial nitrogen, lignin, C:N ratio and lignin : nitrogen ratio of leaf litter were found to exert profound influence on the rate of decomposition. The decomposition rate was found to be a function of time, soil moisture and soil temperature. The nutrient release pattern in almost all cases followed a characteristic biphasic model with an initial rapid phase followed by a slower latter phase. Among the different nutrients, potassium showed a faster rate of mineralisation in most of the situations while calcium and nitrogen mineralised slowly. Among the several mathematical models tried to predict the absolute amount of nutrients in the residual mass, the second order hyperbolic function was found to be good fit in most of the cases. Though the PH was not altered significantly by the decomposing litter mass, the content of most of the nutrient elements is found to be drastically influenced.
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A detailed experiment was conducted at the College of Forestry, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, during the period from 1993 to 1995 to study the nutrient content and pattern of leaf litter decomposition of Acacia mangium Wild. During south west monsoon and north east monsoon seasons. The experiment was conducted both in home garden and open area.
The rate of decomposition was faster in all the study situations. The initial nitrogen, lignin, C:N ratio and lignin : nitrogen ratio of leaf litter were found to exert profound influence on the rate of decomposition. The decomposition rate was found to be a function of time, soil moisture and soil temperature.
The nutrient release pattern in almost all cases followed a characteristic biphasic model with an initial rapid phase followed by a slower latter phase. Among the different nutrients, potassium showed a faster rate of mineralisation in most of the situations while calcium and nitrogen mineralised slowly. Among the several mathematical models tried to predict the absolute amount of nutrients in the residual mass, the second order hyperbolic function was found to be good fit in most of the cases. Though the PH was not altered significantly by the decomposing litter mass, the content of most of the nutrient elements is found to be drastically influenced.

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