Foliar Diagnosis, Yield and Quality of Ginger(Zingiber officinale ROSCOE) in Relation to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
By: Johnson P T.
Contributor(s): Jose A I (Guide).
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KAU Central Library, Thrissur Theses | 631.4 JOH/FO (Browse shelf) | Available | 170996 |
A field experiment was carried out at the Instructional Farm, attached to the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 1977 – 78 to study the effect of graded doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the growth, yield and quality of ginger and also to develop suitable foliar diagnosis techniques in relation to these nutrient elements. The treatments comprised of three levels each of nitrogen (40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha), Phosphorus (30,60 and 90 kg P2 o5/ha) and potassium (40,80 and 120 kg k2o/ha). The experiment was laid out in a 33 factorial experiment in randomised block design confounding the affect of interaction NP2K2 totally.
The results revealed that among the morphological characters studied, only the height of tiller and total dry matter of the plant were markedly influenced, while other characters like number of tillers and number of leaves per tiller were not effected. Of the fertilizer treatments, nitrogen at 80 kg/ha significantly affected these two characters, while the effect of phosphorus and potassium were not significant.
Application of nitrogen at 80 kg/ha significantly increased the rhizome yield of the crop, while the levels of phosphorus and potassium employed failed to influence the yield.
Uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by the plant was significantly influenced by the application of nitrogen at the rate of 80 kg/ha, whereas the graded doses of phosphorus and potassium had no significant influence in this respect. The uptake of potassium on the other hand was not influenced by any of the fertilizer treatment introduced.
The total period of growth put under observation appeared divisible into three phases with respect to the development of aerial tissues namely, a phase of active vegetative growth (90th to 120th day after planting); a phase of slow vegetative growth (120th to 180th day) and a phase approaching senescence (180th day to harvest). The pattern of the rhizome development followed the same trend as that of the aerial tissue, but instead of a final phase of insignificant growth, the development of rhizome continued till harvest.
The uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium progressively increased with advancing period of group growth. There was marked uptake of these nutrients by the plant during the period of active plant growth (90th to 120th day after planting). The uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in leaf and pseudostem progressively increased upto 180th day and then decreased while their uptake in rhizome steadily increased till harvest.
The content of nitrogen phosphorus and potassium was highest in the top most leaves and continuously decreased with increasing number of the leaf position, when the leaves are numbered from top to bottom of the tiller. In consideration of the stability of nutrient level with leaf positions and sensitivity or correlation with varying doses and uptake, the group of 5th to 12th leaves appeared to be the best suited for foliar diagnosis of N, P and K status of the crop. The period between 90th to 120thday after planting was recommended as the optimum period for the detection and amendment of the nutrient status of the crop.
The graded doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and their interaction failed to influence the percentage oleoresin content of ginger.
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