Regulation Of Flowering And Fruitset In Clustered Chilli Through Use Of Stimulants Anti-Transpiraants and Regulators
By: Usha P.
Contributor(s): Peter, K V (Guide).
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KAU Central Library, Thrissur Theses | 632.3 USH/RE (Browse shelf) | Available | 171056 |
Investigations were carried out at the vegetable research plots, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, Trichur, during February-May, 1987, July-October, 1987 and January-April,1988, to find out the extent of flower fall and its possible control through the use of stimulant, triacontanol (Vipul, Miraculan and Paras photosynth), antitranspirants (ABA and CCC) and growth regulators (NAA and 2, 4-D) in chilli var.KAU cluster. The experiment was laid out in a Randomised block design. The various exogenous chemicals were sprayed on 15th, 30th, 45th and 60th days after planting.
Considerable variation was observed in extent of flower fall and incidence of leaf curl during summer and kharif 1987. The control plants recorded a flower fall of 65.14% during summer, where as it was only 47.29% during kharif. Triacontanol (2.5 ppm) application resulted in a reduced flower fall during summer. The highest fruit set of 61.94% was recorded by Vipul. NAA (15 ppm) increased fruit set during both the seasons. The increase was more evident during kharif (84.83%). The antitranspirant, CCC (1000 ppm) also caused an increased fruit set (84.48%) during kharif. 2, 4-D (5 ppm) and ABA (25 ppm) significantly reduced fruit set.
The incidence of leaf abnormalities was more during summer than in kharif. Plants treated with triacontanols and CCC were more or less free of the incidence. 2, 4-D application produced some deleterious effects through malformations in leaves, flowers and fruits of treated plants. The leaves were curled, lobbed and reduced in size. The treatment reduced pollen fertility ovule number and percentage of long styled flowers. It also led to degeneration of the placenta.
The highest efficiency of the chemical worked out from the overall performance of the treated plants was for Vipul (66.7%) during summer and NAA(73.5%) during kahrif.
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