Economics of Paddy Cum Prawn Culture in Pokkali Lands Of Ernakulam District
By: Mary Vijaya K.
Contributor(s): Mukundan K (Guide).
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The present investigation on the economics of paddy cum prawn culture
in Pokkali lands of Ernakulam district was undertaken during the year 1995-96. The
study focussed on estimation of cost and returns, measuring productivity of farm
resources and identifying constraints in paddy cum prawn production.
Data for the study was generated through a sample survey of farmers.
Two stage sampling technique was adopted for the study with villages as the
primary sampling units and prawn farmers as secondary sampling units, selected by
random sampling method.
The results of the cost structure analysis revealed that the largest single
item of cost of operation was land preparation in paddy cum traditional prawn
culture; and in paddy cum improved prawn culture, intercultural operations required
the highest expenses. Among the explicit costs, labour accounted the highest share
in paddy cum traditional prawn production and cost of materials was the most
important item in paddy cum improved prawn production.
Classwise analysis showed that cost A1, cost A2, cost BI, cost B2, cost C1
and cost C2 per hectare in class I were Rs.17490.43, Rs.l7490.43, Rs.17604.95,
Rs.25104.95, RS.18591.53 and Rs.26091.53 respectively. In class II, these costs
were Rs.21421.30, Rs.21421.30, Rs.21530.10, Rs.29030.10, Rs.23434.27 and
Rs.30934.27. In class Ill, corresponding costs were Rs.25942.78, Rs.25942.78,
Rs.16063.88, Rs.33563.88, RS.28646.63 and Rs.36146.63. In class IV, the costs
were worked out to be Rs.39321.78, Rs.39321.78, Rs.39492.17, Rs.46992.17,
Rs.41314.60 and Rs.48814.60 respectively. In class V, these costs were
Rs.55782.10, Rs.55782.10, Rs.55950AI, Rs.63450AI, Rs.59433.92 and
Rs.66933.92 respectively. For class VI, these costs were estimated to be
Rs.79121.36, Rs.79121.36, Rs.79284.25, Rs.86784.25, RS.84700A2 and
RS.92200A2 respectively.
The average yield from main products of paddy and prawn were 2138.59
kg/ha and 385.25 kg/ha respectively. In class II their yields were 2189.30 kg/ha and
498.67 kg/ha respectively, while in class III the yields estimated to be 2211.25
kg/ha and 655.92 kg/ha from paddy and prawn. The yield obtained from paddy and
prawn were 2143.33 kg/ha and 553.20 kg/ha respectively in class IV, and 2174.90
kg/ha and 865.21 kg/ha respectively in class V. In class VI the yield estimated to be
2272 kg/h~ and 1246.26 kg/ha from paddy and prawn respectively.
Benefit-cost ratios based on cost A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 for class I
were 1.56, 1.56, 1.54, 1.08, 1.46 and 1.04. In class II, benefit-cost ratios based on
these costs were 1.61, 1.61, 1.60, 1.18, 1.47 and 1.12 respectively. For class Ill,
benefit-cost ratio were 1.65, 1.65, 1.64, 1.27, 1.50 and 1.19 respectively. In class
IV, these were computed to be 1.68, 1.68, 1.67, 1.40, 1.60 and 1.35 respectively,
while for class V, these ratios were 1.74, 1.74, 1.73, 1.53, 1.63 and1.45. In class
VI, they were estimated to be 1.75, 1.75, 1.74, 1.59, 1.64 and 1.50 respectively
based on corresponding costs.
The income measures in relation to different cost concepts such as gross
income, farm business income, family labour income and net income at cost C1 in
class I were Rs.27238.69, Rs.9788.26, Rs.2133.74 and RS.8647.16. These measures
were Rs34510.17, Rs.13088.87, Rs.5480.07 and Rs.lI075.90 in class H. In class
III they were computed as RsA2912.36, Rs.16964.58, RS.9348A8 and
Rs.14265.73. For class IV these income measures were worked out to be
Rs65941.55, Rs.26619.77, Rs.18948.38 and Rs.24626.95. In class V, the
corresponding figures were Rs.96984.45, Rs.4l200.35, RS.33532.04 and
Rs.37548.53 respectively. These incomes were Rs.138544.08, Rs.59422.72,
Rs.51759.83 and RS.53843.66 in class VI respectively.
Production function analysis was carried out using Cobb-Douglas
production function seperately for paddy cum traditional prawn production and
paddy cum improved prawn production on per farm and per hectare basis. Per farm
estimates of production function for paddy cum improved prawn production
revealed that the regression coefficient of only one independent variable, viz., area,
was estimated to be positive and significant. The production elasticity of labour,
seed, feed, eradicants and manures were found to be positive but non-significant.
Analysis of per hectare estimates of production function showed that elasticities of
production for labour and seed were negative and non-significant. In both per farm
and per hectare functional analysis the two dummy variables and also the intercept
of the function were found to be significant which indicate that paddy cum 3 crops
of improved prawn culture is more profitable than paddy cum for I and 2 crops of
Improved prawn culture.
Regarding paddy cum traditional prawn culture per farm estimates of the
functions revealed that only the regression coefficient of area was found to be
positive and significant. The elasticities of production of labour and seed were
estimated to be negative and non-significant. Per hectare estimates of the function
revealed that the production elasticity of labour was found to be negative and non-
sigrnficant. The production elasticity of seed was found to be significant with
negative sign which indicates over use of this input. In both per farm and per
hectare functional analysis, the two dummy variables and the intercept of the
function found to be significant which indicates the paddy cum 3 crops of
traditional prawn culture IS more profitable than paddy cum 1 or 2 crops of
traditional prawn culture.
Non-availability of labour and their increased cost formed the major
constraint to both paddy cum improved prawn culture and paddy cum traditional
prawn culture. Problem of submergence followed by higher price of inputs and
salinity and acidity were the next important constraints in paddy cum traditional
prawn culture. Non-availability of prawn seed/fry followed by submergence and high
cost of inputs formed second, third and fourth important constraints in paddy cum
improved prawn culture. Salinity and acidity formed the fifth important constraint in
the case of paddy cum improved prawn culture.
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