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Production and marketing systems of vetiver : a micro-level analysis in Thrissur district

By: Deepakumar V S.
Contributor(s): Satheesh Babu K (Guide).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Vellanikkara Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture 2002DDC classification: 630.33 Online resources: Click here to access online Dissertation note: MSc Abstract: The present study entitled " Production and marketing systems of vetiver : a micro-level analysis in Thrissur district" was conducted with the objective of working out the cost of production and returns of vetiver cultivation, to study the marketing channels, and to identify production and marketing problems encountered by vetiver growers of the area. The data pertains to the period from January 2000 to December 2000. Eighty commercial farmers who cultivated vetiver for more than three years were selected at random, and the information required for the study were collected by personal interview using a structured, pre-tested schedule of enquiry . • The cost of cultivating one hectare of vetiver was worked out to Rs. 117975, Rs. 101760 and Rs. 93533 at cost C3 for the category I (less than 0.50 ha), category 11 (0.50 - l.0 ha) and category III (more than l.0 ha) farmers respectively. Organic manures constituted the major item of expenditure, constituting 29 per cent of the paid out cost. This was followed by expenditure on hired human labour, which accounted for 26 per cent of the explicit cost. The cost of production of one kilogram of dry vetiver root at cost C3 were Rs. 12.27, Rs. 12.77 Rs. 6.85 and Rs. 1l.57 respectively for the cat~gories I, 11, III and the sample as a whole. On an average vetiver farmer had a gross income of Rs. 126644 per hectare. The net income for the three categories of farmers were Rs. 2931, Rs. 14352 and Rs. 90998 per hectare for the categories I, 11 and III respectively. The BCR estimated at cost C3 were found to be more than unity for the entire category of farmers. The entire marketing system was organized in the private sector. The Producer - Wholesaler - Processor - Consumer, and Producer - Wholesaler - Drug Dealer - Consumer were the two major marketing channels identified in the area. The economic efficiency of marketing measured by the modified Shepherd's Index indicated that both local and interstate markets were efficient, with a value of more than unity. The main production related constraints were non-availability of institutional credit and dependency on private money lenders, increase in rental charges of land and escalating fuel charges for the irrigation system. Year-to-year fluctuation of vetiver root price, delayed settlement of transactions and risk of losing weight during storage were the major marketing related problems . •
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The present study entitled " Production and marketing systems of
vetiver : a micro-level analysis in Thrissur district" was conducted with the objective
of working out the cost of production and returns of vetiver cultivation, to study the
marketing channels, and to identify production and marketing problems encountered
by vetiver growers of the area. The data pertains to the period from January 2000 to
December 2000. Eighty commercial farmers who cultivated vetiver for more than
three years were selected at random, and the information required for the study were
collected by personal interview using a structured, pre-tested schedule of enquiry .

The cost of cultivating one hectare of vetiver was worked out to
Rs. 117975, Rs. 101760 and Rs. 93533 at cost C3 for the category I (less than 0.50
ha), category 11 (0.50 - l.0 ha) and category III (more than l.0 ha) farmers
respectively. Organic manures constituted the major item of expenditure, constituting
29 per cent of the paid out cost. This was followed by expenditure on hired human
labour, which accounted for 26 per cent of the explicit cost. The cost of production of
one kilogram of dry vetiver root at cost C3 were Rs. 12.27, Rs. 12.77 Rs. 6.85 and Rs.
1l.57 respectively for the cat~gories I, 11, III and the sample as a whole. On an
average vetiver farmer had a gross income of Rs. 126644 per hectare. The net
income for the three categories of farmers were Rs. 2931, Rs. 14352 and Rs. 90998
per hectare for the categories I, 11 and III respectively. The BCR estimated at cost C3
were found to be more than unity for the entire category of farmers.
The entire marketing system was organized in the private sector. The
Producer - Wholesaler - Processor - Consumer, and Producer - Wholesaler - Drug
Dealer - Consumer were the two major marketing channels identified in the area.

The economic efficiency of marketing measured by the modified Shepherd's Index
indicated that both local and interstate markets were efficient, with a value of more
than unity.
The main production related constraints were non-availability of
institutional credit and dependency on private money lenders, increase in rental
charges of land and escalating fuel charges for the irrigation system. Year-to-year
fluctuation of vetiver root price, delayed settlement of transactions and risk of losing
weight during storage were the major marketing related problems .

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