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Performance analysis of agro-processing self-help groups in thrissur district

By: Lina joy.
Contributor(s): Prema A(Guide).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Vellanikkara Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Horticulture 2007DDC classification: 630.33 Online resources: Click here to access online Dissertation note: MSc 2007 Abstract: The present study on the "Performance analysis of agro-processing Self Help Groups in Thrissur district” was conducted to study the functioning of Self help Groups (SHGs), to identify the factors determining effective functioning and to study the constraints faced by the SHGs and provide suggestions for effective functioning. The study was taken up among Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna (SGSY) SHGs in Thrissur district. Five blocks having maximum percentage of agro-processing SHGs were selected. The activities undertaken by the agro-processing SHGs were classified under four groups i.e. fish processing, copra processing, powder making and ready to eat items making Group characteristics as the indicators of performance studied were group cohesion, group decision-making, group leadership, team spirit and maintenance of records. Copra processing unit obtained the highest rank in group characteristics. Profile characteristics studied were information seeking behaviour, innovativeness, risk orientation, economic motivation, management orientation, attitude towards self employment, knowledge about processing and market perception Powder making units were having the highest rank in profile characters Non performing groups showed the lowest score in both the group characteristics and in the profile characteristics Correlation analysis between group and profile characteristics revealed that management orientation was the major socio-economic variable affecting the group performance. Marketing channel for all the categories showed the lack of adequate forward and backward linkages. All the categories marketed their products within the district only. Packaging and traveling expense were the main items of the marketing cost Lack of common retail outlet for SHG products was the major constraint faced by SHGs in their marketing Cost of material input and labour cost were the main items in working capital of each category The copra processing units were having highest BC ratio (2.26) BC ratio of all the performing units were more than unity which indicated that all the units studied were running in profit The units were receiving a subsidy of 50 percent loan taken and they also received Rs10000 as revolving fund. All the units studied were having more than Rs 30,000 as thrift. The major constraints faced by the SHGs were the lack of concession regarding lending rate and lack of any aid from panchayat.
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MSc 2007

The present study on the "Performance analysis of agro-processing Self Help Groups in Thrissur district” was conducted to study the functioning of Self help Groups (SHGs), to identify the factors determining effective functioning and to study the constraints faced by the SHGs and provide suggestions for effective functioning. The study was taken up among Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna (SGSY) SHGs in Thrissur district. Five blocks having maximum percentage of agro-processing SHGs were selected. The activities undertaken by the agro-processing SHGs were classified under four groups i.e. fish processing, copra processing, powder making and ready to eat items making

Group characteristics as the indicators of performance studied were group cohesion, group decision-making, group leadership, team spirit and maintenance of records. Copra processing unit obtained the highest rank in group characteristics. Profile characteristics studied were information seeking behaviour, innovativeness, risk orientation, economic motivation, management orientation, attitude towards self employment, knowledge about processing and market perception Powder making units were having the highest rank in profile characters Non performing groups showed the lowest score in both the group characteristics and in the profile characteristics Correlation analysis between group and profile characteristics revealed that management orientation was the major socio-economic variable affecting the group performance.

Marketing channel for all the categories showed the lack of adequate forward and backward linkages. All the categories marketed their products within the district only. Packaging and traveling expense were the main items of the marketing cost Lack of common retail outlet for SHG products was the major constraint faced by SHGs in their marketing

Cost of material input and labour cost were the main items in working capital of each category The copra processing units were having highest BC ratio (2.26) BC ratio of all the performing units were more than unity which indicated that all the units studied were running in profit The units were receiving a subsidy of 50 percent loan taken and they also received Rs10000 as revolving fund. All the units studied were having more than Rs 30,000 as thrift.
The major constraints faced by the SHGs were the lack of concession regarding lending rate and lack of any aid from panchayat.

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