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Performance of spiny coriander (Eryngium foetidum L.)under different shade regimes

By: Appukuttan J.
Contributor(s): Sulekha G R(Guide).
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Vellayani Department Of Plantation Crops & Spices,College of Agriculture 2008Description: 155.DDC classification: 633.8 Online resources: Click here to access online Dissertation note: MSc Abstract: The studies on the “Performance of spiny coriander (Eryngium foetidum L.) under different shade regimes” were carried out at the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during 2004-2006. The objectives were to evaluate the adaptability and performance of Eryngium foetidum L. under varying levels of shade and plant population densities and also to study the feasibility of cultivating Eryngium foetidum L. under the homestead conditions of Kerala. Its use, both as a flavouring agent and herbal medicine, and also as a home remedy for various ailments point towards its inclusion as an important item in Kerala homesteads. The performance of Eryngium foetidum was studied at three levels of shade (25, 50 and 75%) and four spacings (10cm  15cm, 15cm  15cm, 20cm  15cm and 30 cm  15 cm). High Density Poly Ethylene shade nets of appropriate mesh size were used for providing the required shade levels. Observations on growth parameters, physiological characters, growth analysis, yield characters, bio-chemical analysis, storage studies etc., were taken and the benefit: cost ratio was worked out. From the experiment, it was found that the crop performed best under 75 per cent shade level in most of the characters studied. Maximum yield (1411.04 g/plot of size 120  150 cm) was recorded under 75% shade level and also at a closer spacing of 10x 15cm (1131.41 g/plot). But the interaction effect of shade and population density on total herbage yield was not significant. On analysis, no measurable quantity of volatile oil could be estimated. The highest NVEE of 0.86 per cent was obtained from the plants grown under 75 per cent shade and a spacing of 30 × 15cm. From the storage studies it was concluded that under ambient temperature the leaves could be stored for a maximum of 5.2 days and 4.8 days when grown under 50 per cent and 75 per cent shade respectively, whereas under cold storage, the leaves from 75% shade could be stored for a maximum of 109.65 days without any deterioration. Maximum benefit: cost ratios of 1.28, 1.27 and 1.21 were obtained in the treatments 75% shade and 15cm × 15 cm spacing, 75% shade and 10cm  15 cm and 75% shade and 20cm  15 cm spacing, respectively. In general, as the intensity of shade increased, performance of the crop was better. Since the highest level of shade (75%) was found to be the best for the growth and yield of Eryngium foetidum, a higher level of shade, can be studied. Further studies on intercropping Eryngium foetidum under the existing homestead farming situations and other shaded situations like coconut, rubber, oil palm and other perennial tree crops are necessary. Popularization of the crop and development of appropriate marketing strategy are necessary for making the crop more remunerative.
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The studies on the “Performance of spiny coriander (Eryngium foetidum L.) under different shade regimes” were carried out at the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during 2004-2006. The objectives were to evaluate the adaptability and performance of Eryngium foetidum L. under varying levels of shade and plant population densities and also to study the feasibility of cultivating Eryngium foetidum L. under the homestead conditions of Kerala. Its use, both as a flavouring agent and herbal medicine, and also as a home remedy for various ailments point towards its inclusion as an important item in Kerala homesteads.

The performance of Eryngium foetidum was studied at three levels of shade (25, 50 and 75%) and four spacings (10cm  15cm, 15cm  15cm, 20cm  15cm and 30 cm  15 cm). High Density Poly Ethylene shade nets of appropriate mesh size were used for providing the required shade levels. Observations on growth parameters, physiological characters, growth analysis, yield characters, bio-chemical analysis, storage studies etc., were taken and the benefit: cost ratio was worked out.

From the experiment, it was found that the crop performed best under 75 per cent shade level in most of the characters studied. Maximum yield (1411.04 g/plot of size 120  150 cm) was recorded under 75% shade level and also at a closer spacing of 10x 15cm (1131.41 g/plot). But the interaction effect of shade and population density on total herbage yield was not significant. On analysis, no measurable quantity of volatile oil could be estimated. The highest NVEE of 0.86 per cent was obtained from the plants grown under 75 per cent shade and a spacing of 30 × 15cm. From the storage studies it was concluded that under ambient temperature the leaves could be stored for a maximum of 5.2 days and 4.8 days when grown under 50 per cent and 75 per cent shade respectively, whereas under cold storage, the leaves from 75% shade could be stored for a maximum of 109.65 days without any deterioration. Maximum benefit: cost ratios of 1.28, 1.27 and 1.21 were obtained in the treatments 75% shade and 15cm × 15 cm spacing, 75% shade and 10cm  15 cm and 75% shade and 20cm  15 cm spacing, respectively.

In general, as the intensity of shade increased, performance of the crop was better. Since the highest level of shade (75%) was found to be the best for the growth and yield of Eryngium foetidum, a higher level of shade, can be studied. Further studies on intercropping Eryngium foetidum under the existing homestead farming situations and other shaded situations like coconut, rubber, oil palm and other perennial tree crops are necessary. Popularization of the crop and development of appropriate marketing strategy are necessary for making the crop more remunerative.

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