TY - BOOK AU - Farhana C AU - Sreekala, G S (Guide) TI - Nutrient scheduling in bush pepper (piper nigrum L.) U1 - 633.8 PY - 2018/// CY - Vellayani PB - Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture KW - Plantation Crops and Spices N1 - MSc N2 - The present study entitiled “Nutrient scheduling in bush pepper (Piper nigrum L.) was taken up with the specific objective to standardize potting media and nutrient level in bush pepper for yield. The pot culture experiment on bush pepper was carried in the Department of Plantation Crops and Spices, College of Agriculture, Vellayani during the period 2017-18 using variety Panniyur 1.The efficacy of different combinations of organic manures and different levels and intervals of inorganic fertilizers were evaluated. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with three different types of potting media (P1, P2, P3), five inorganic fertilizer treatments (I1, I2, I3, I4, I5) and a control. The different types of potting media used were soil + FYM + neem cake + coir pith compost (P1), soil + FYM + vermicompost + coir pith compost ( P2) and soil + FYM + leaf compost + coir pith compost (P3) in the ratio 3:3:1:1. Inorganic fertilizers applied at different levels and intervals were I1- 37.5: 37.5: 50.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1at monthly splits, I2 - 37.5: 37.5: 50.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1 at quarterly splits, I3 - 25.0: 25.0: 50.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1 at monthly splits, I4 - 25.0: 25.0: 50.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1 at quarterly splits and I5 - 12.5:12.5:25.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1 as soil application at equal monthly splits up to 3 MAP and foliar application of 13:0:45 (0.5 %) at fortnightly intervals from 4th MAP. The control treatment contained soil + sand+ FYM, (1:1:1) as potting mixture and inorganic fertilizer applied as per package of practices recommendations of KAU (1.0, 0.5, 2 g NPK plant-1 at bimonthly interval). Trichoderma @ 1 g kg-1 of potting medium and lime @ 50 g plant-1 were applied to all the treatments. The results of the study revealed that potting media containing soil + FYM + vermicompost + coir pith compost (3:3:1:1) and inorganic fertilizers applied at the rate of 25.0: 25.0: 50.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1at quarterly splits (p2i4) recorded significantly higher plant growth characters like number of secondary branches, length of primary branches, length of secondary branches, number of leaves and leaf area from 8MAP to 12 MAP. Fresh weight, dry weight and volume of roots at 12 MAP were also significantly higher for the treatment combination, p2i4 Significantly higher dry matter production (150.92 g plant-1) at 12 MAP and chlorophyll content at 6 MAP was noticed in p2i4 while dry matter production was the least in control (72.42 g plant-1). The yield attributes like number of spikes plant-1, length of spike, number of berries spike-1, hundred berry weight, hundred berry volume, fresh and dry weight of berries were significantly higher for p2i4 recording a dry yield increase of 98 per cent over the control. Quality parameters of berries revealed that essential oil, oleoresin and piperine were highest in p2i4 while highest starch content was obtained in p1i5. . The total uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by bush pepper was significantly superior with a higher uptake of N (2.159 g plant-1), P (155.17 mg plant- 1 ), K (2.367 g plant-1), Ca (1.577 g plant-1), Mg (296.64 mg plant-1) and S (253.34 mg plant-1) in p2i4. Higher nitrogen harvest index (33.58 %), phosphorous harvest index (41.03 %) and potassium harvest index (31.41 %) were recorded from p2i4, indicating that nutrient removal in bush pepper was proportional to the yield. The discounted benefit-cost ratio was 2.51 with 67 % of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) for p2i4 implied that investments made in bush pepper following the above treatment was highly profitable. The results of the study indicated that growing bush pepper in potting medium containing soil + FYM + vermicompost + coir pith compost ( 3:3:1:1) with the application of inorganic fertilizers @ 25.0: 25.0: 50.0 g of NPK plant-1 year-1 scheduled at quarterly intervals produced better growth characters like number of secondary branches, length of primary and secondary branches, number of leaves, total leaf area , root dry weight and yield parameters like number of spikes and number of berries spike-1 which ultimately doubled the yield compared to the package of practices recommendations of KAU UR - http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810143259 ER -