TY - BOOK AU - Beena V I AU - Usha P B (Guide) TI - Effect of Sulphur on Yield, Quality and Uptake of Nutrients by Cowpea (vigna unguiculata L. Walp) in a Rhodig Haplustox U1 - 631.4 PY - 2000/// CY - Vellayani PB - Department Of Soil Science And Agricultural Chemistry,College Of Agriculture N2 - The proposed piece of research work entitled " Effect of sulphur on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients by cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L Walp) in a Rhodic Haplustox" was conducted at Instructional farm,College of Agriculture, Vellayani. The study WHS undertaken to evaluate the effect of different levels and sources of sulphur application on yield, quality and uptake of nutrients by cowpea using the var Kanakamoni. The experiment was laid out in RBD with three replications. Combination of three factors, organic manures (FYM), NPK fertilizers and sulphur constituted the ten treatments. Sulphur was applied through two sources viz gypsum and factamphos. Different levels of S application were I) no sulphur 2) S @ 15 kg ha,l and 3) S @ 30 kg ha,l. All treatments included normal NPK applied through urea,mussooriephos and MOP at the rates of 20:30: 1 0 kg ha". FYM application was also done at two levels i.e.treatrnents with FYM and without rYM. Growth characters like height of the plants, number of branches per plant, number and weight of effective nodules, chlorophyll content and NRA were significantly enhanced as a result of S fertilization.The treatment combination with 30 kg S ha,l along with POP recommendation recorded the maximum value in all these cases. Gypsum was found to be superior in all these cases execpt ip the case of number of branches per plant. Treatment with 30 kg S ha,l as gypsum along with POP recommendation recorded significantly minimum value for days to maximum flowering and N:S ratio. A 42 per cent increaese in yield over control was recorded by 30 kg ha" as gypsum along with POP recommendations. A significant increase in yield attributes and protein content (25.39%) was also noticed through S fertilization. Uptake of N,r, K, Ca, Mg and S was increased due to S fertilization indicating a synergistic effect. All the growth characters and yield attributes were best correlated with yield. Uptake of nutrients showed positive and significant correlation with yield, the best correlation being obtained at MFS. Yield is decided by the uptake of nutrients at MFS. N:S ratio and days to maximum flowering showed significantly negative correlation with yield. Field experiment revealed that S as well as combination of S with organic manures exerted significant effect on most of growth and yield attributing charecters of cowpea. The treatment combination with normal level ofNPK and FYM along with S @ 30 kg ha-I was found significantly superior to other treatments. Gypsum as the source was found to be superior to factamphos, UR - http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810136378 ER -