Place Hold on Pheno-morphological studies of selected tree species in a tropical forest ecosystem
]]>Place Hold on In vitro propagation of malabar white pine (vateria indica L.) through tissue culture
]]>Place Hold on Response Of Selected Forestry And Agroforestry Tree Seedling To Water Stress
]]>Place Hold on Evaluation of Provenances For Seedling Attributes in Teak
]]>Place Hold on Growth and Nodulation Characteristics of Selected Indigenous Tree Legumes
]]>Place Hold on Provenance Evaluation In The seedling Characters of Neem (Azadirachta IndicaA.Juss)
]]>Place Hold on Karyomorphology and Isoenzyme Variation in Certain Acacia Species
]]>Place Hold on Nodulation Behaviour Of Acacia Mangium Wikd.In Response TO Rhizobium Inoculation
]]>Place Hold on In Vitro Propagation Of Ailanthus Triphysa (Dennst.)
]]>Place Hold on Evaluation of provenances for seedling attributes in Rosewood
]]>Place Hold on Micropropagation of teak (Tectona Grandis Linn.) through in vitro techniques
]]>Place Hold on Muncipal garbage as a component of potting media for seedling forest tree species
]]>Place Hold on Zonation,Leaf Phenology and Litter Dynamics of Mangrove Forest at Puduvyppu
]]>Place Hold on Micropropagation and Evaluation of Azadirachin Production in the Plantlets of Neem
]]>Place Hold on Litter production and decomposition studies in selected species of acacia
]]>Place Hold on Influence of host plants and soil moisture stress on the water relations in sandal
]]>Place Hold on Modeling crop water stress index (cwsi) in tree seedlings
]]>Place Hold on In vitro propagation of sandal (santalum album L)
]]>Place Hold on Impact of ecorestoration on soil seed bank in eastern Attappady, Kerala
]]>Place Hold on Modeling carbon dynamics in teak plantations of Kerala
]]>Place Hold on Impact of eco-restoration on nutrient balance in eastern Attappady, Kerala
]]>Place Hold on Provenance evaluation of acacia mangium wild for growth and wood traits
]]>Place Hold on Physiology of recalcitrant seed storage-seminar report