By Mei,Jianping. Singapore World Scientific Publishing co-Pvt LTD 1994 . 111 0 8039 2176 4
Place Hold on New Methords for the Arbitrage Pricing Theory and the Present Value model
]]>Singapore World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.Ltd 2008 . 638 9789812704061
]]>By Prakasa Rao,B.L.S.. New Delhi World Scientific 2010 . 301 9788175967311
]]>London World Scientific 2009 . 424 9789812838773
]]>By Satake,Kenji. Singapore World scientific 2011 . 114 9789814355292
Place Hold on Advances in Geosciences V 22: Atmospheric science(AS)
]]>By Satake ,Kenji. London World Scientific 2011 . 354 9789814355292
Place Hold on Advances in Geosciences V23: Hydrological Science (HS)
]]>Place Hold on Advances in geosciences V 24 Ocean sciences (OS)
]]>Place Hold on Advances in Geosciences V 25 Planetary science (PS)
]]>By Satake,Kenji. Singapore World Scientific 2011 . 232 9789814355292
Place Hold on Advances in geosciences V27 solar terrestrial(ST)
]]>By Zhang, Peter G . Singapore World Scientific Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd. 1995 . xiv, 166 9810223331
]]>By Chow, Gregory C. Singapore World Scientific 1994 . x, 269 9810218583
]]>By Andreas Schulte | Dieter Schone. Oxford World Scientific 1996 . 666p. 9789810236977
Place Hold on Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems: towards sustainable management
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]]>By Zhag, Peter. Hong Kong World scientific 1995 9810223331
]]>By Chow, Gregory C. Singapore World Scientific Publishing Company 1994 . 269 98 10218 41 9
]]>By Alice C Lee. London World Scientific 2009 . 1101 9788175967885
Place Hold on Financial Analysis,Planning & Forecasting Theory and Application
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]]>By Henry Thompson. Chennai World Scientific Publishing 2006 . 506 9788175967199
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Place Hold on International Finance and Open-Economy macroeconomics
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]]>By Shailendra Vyakarnam. Chennai World Scientific 2011 . 156 9789812818744
]]>By Henry Thompson. London World Scientific 2011 . 506 9788175967199
]]>By shailendra vyakarnam. London World scientific publishing co.pvt ltd 2011 . 156p. 9789812818744
Place Hold on Unlocking the enterpriser inside:a book of why,what and how
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Place Hold on Nanostructures and nanomaterials:synthesis, properties and applications
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Place Hold on Hand book of environment and waste management: Air and water pollution control
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Place Hold on International economics: global markets and competition
]]>By Vysotskii,Vladimir I, | Kornilova,Alla A. | Smirnov, World Sciientific. New Jersey World Scientific 2009 . 317 9789814271189
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