By Tikader,B.K. Calcutta Zoological Survey of India 1998 8185874042
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India:Coelenterata:Hydrozoa siphonophora
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India including Pakistan,Burma and ceylon:Mammalia:rodentia
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India including Pakistan,Buma and ceylon:Mammalia Vol.3:Rodentia
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of india and the adjacent countries:diptera:Muscidae
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India:ACARI:Mesostigmata:Family Phytoseiidae
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India and the adjacent countries:Orthoptera Vol.2:Grylloidea
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India and the adjacent countries:Chalcidoidea(Hymenoptera):Part 1
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India and the adjacent countries:Chalcidoidea(Hymenoptera PartII
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India:Parasitic copepods of marine fisheries
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India And The Adjacement countries , Platyhelminthes ,Termatoda
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India and The Adjacent Countries Platyhelminthes ,Termatoda-Digenea
]]>Place Hold on Fauna of India Homoptera: Aphidoidea, Subfamily: Greenideinae
]]>Place Hold on Management of mammal collection in tropical environment.
]]>Place Hold on Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India Vol.16, No.3
]]>Place Hold on Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India Vol.17 No.1
]]>Place Hold on Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India Vol.16 No.4
]]>Place Hold on Fauna Of India Coleoptera , Family Gyrinidae and Family halipldde
]]>Place Hold on High altitude entomology and wildlife ecology.
]]>By JM Dasgupta. Kolkata Zoological survey of India 2002 . 44 cm 81 85874 80 8
]]>Place Hold on Pictoral Hand book on common dragonflies and danselflies of kerala
]]>By K Venkataraman. Kolkata Zoological survey of India 2007 . 294 p. 978 81 8171 162 5
]]>Place Hold on Faunal diversity of ashtamudi wetlands, Kerala
]]>By Dinesan Cheruvat. Kolkata Zoological survey of India 2006 . 154 p. 81 8171 124 6
]]>By C Sashikumar. Kolkata Zoological survey of India 2004 . 165 p. 81 8171 047 9
]]>By Arun Kumar. Kolkata Zoological survey of India 2005 . 468 p. 81 8171 058 4
Place Hold on Handbook on Indian wetland birds and their conservation