Place Hold on Platinum Jubilee of Coconut Research and Development in India 1916-1991
]]>Place Hold on Human Nutrition:Principles and Applications in India
]]>By Rajagopal Kammath,A. Kottayam D.C. Books 2007 . 138 812641278X
Place Hold on Bhuthikasasthram-Chalanam muthal apekshikatha vare
]]>By Kammath,Rajagopal A. Kottayam D C Books 2007 . 196 8126415215
]]>Place Hold on Farmers - scientists interaction - a knowledge sharing approach
]]>Place Hold on Administrative arrangements for rural marketing-A study across three states
]]>Place Hold on Source-Efficacy Relations of Organics in Wetland rice Culture
]]>Place Hold on Tenderisation of buffalo meat by calcium chloride marination
]]>Place Hold on Evaluation of new generation herbicides in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa.L)
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Inter- India Publications 1990 . 189 8121002605
Place Hold on Indian agriculture: an analysis of backward and forward linkages
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Sage Publications 1995 . 184 8170364280
Place Hold on Organising rural business: policy,planning and management
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Sage Publications 1995 . 184 8170364280
Place Hold on Organising rural business: policy,planning and management
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Sage Publications 1995 . 184 8170364280
Place Hold on Organising rural business: policy,planning and management
]]>By Rajagopal. Delhi Renaissance Publishing House 1957 . v, 151 8185199345
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi New Age International Publishers Limited 2000 . viii, 192 8122411541
]]>Place Hold on Dynamics of agricultural marketing in tribal India
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Anmol publicationa 1990 . 124 p. 81 7041 233 1
]]>Place Hold on Fundamentals of foods, Nutrition and diet therapy
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Anmol publication Pvt Ltd 1990 . 124 8170412331
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Anmol publication Pvt Ltd 1990 . 124 8170412331
]]>Place Hold on Development of agricultural marketing in India
]]>Place Hold on Dynamics of agricultural marketing in tribal India
]]>By Rajagopal. Delhi Renaissance Publishing House 1957 . 151 8185199345
Place Hold on Rural marketing in India : empirical studies from Madhya Pradesh
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi New Age International 2000 . 192 8122411541
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Renais sance Publishing House 1957 . 151 81 85199 34 5
Place Hold on Rural marketing in India : ( empirical studies from Madhya Pradesh )
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Sage Publications 1995 . 184 81 7036 428 0
Place Hold on Organising rural business : policy, planning and management
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Inter-India Publications 1990 . 189 81 21002605
Place Hold on Indian agriculture : an analysis of backward and forward linkages
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Sage Publications 1995 0803992009
Place Hold on Organising rural business : policy, planning and management
]]>By Rajagopal. New Delhi Vikas Publishing House 2009 . 533 8125918566
]]>Place Hold on Source-efficacy relations of organics in wetland rice culture
]]>By Mc Divitt, Maxine | Sumati Rajagopal, Mudambi. Newdelhi, Prentice-hall of india pvt. ltd. 1969 . 205 0-87692-006-7
Place Hold on Human nutrition: principles and applications in india
]]>Place Hold on Human nutrition : principles and applications in India
]]>Place Hold on Advances in management and conservation of soil fauna
]]>By McDivitt, Mcxine E | Sumathi, Rajagopal Mudambi. Newdelhi, Prentice- Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1969 . 205 0-87692-006-7
Place Hold on Human Nutrition: principles and applications in India
]]>Place Hold on Human nutrition: principles and applications in india