Place Hold on Performance analysis of agro-processing self-help groups in thrissur district
]]>Place Hold on Valuation of ecosystem services- a case study of kolleru lake in andra pradesh
]]>Place Hold on Changing scenario of the cut flower industry in central Kerala - an economic analysis.
]]>Place Hold on Analysis of supply chain management of horticultural nurseries
]]>Place Hold on Study on brand promotional activities of Double Horse
]]>Place Hold on Study on efficiency of distribution system of Double Horse products
]]>Place Hold on Study on effectiveness of marketing mix of Double Horse
]]>Place Hold on Economic feasibility of vegetable production under polyhouse cultivation
]]>Place Hold on Procurement and distribution channel of elite supermarket in Thrissur District
]]>Place Hold on Performance analysis of agro-processing self-help groups in Thrissur district
]]>Place Hold on Valuation of ecosystem services- A case study of Kolleru lake in Andhra Pradesh
]]>Place Hold on changing scenario of the cut flower industry in central Kerala an economic analysis
]]>Place Hold on Impact of green army labour bank on the welfare of agricultural labourers
]]>Place Hold on Economic analysis of rice based integrated farming system models in Kuttanad
]]>Place Hold on Land use dynamics in kerala- a multidimensional analysis
]]>Place Hold on Economic evaluation of integrated pest management in rice in Palakkad district