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Place Hold on Numerical methods for mathematics, science and engineering
]]>By Phophalia A K. Jaipur Paradise Publishers 2011 . iii,298 Pages 9789380033006
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]]>By Sastry, S S. New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited 2000 . 380 812031266X
]]>By Sastry, SS. New Delhi Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited 2000 . 380 812031266X
]]>By Grewal, P S. New Delhi Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd 1990 . 1280 81 207 1056 8
]]>By Jain, R K | jainM K, Iyengar S RK. Newdelhi, Wiley eastern Pvt Ltd 1985 . 470 0-85226-434-8
Place Hold on Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation
]]>Place Hold on Calculus of observations: a treatise on numericalmathematics