Multiple choice questions in: agricultural extension
by Sunil V G.
Edition: 3Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi New v ishal publications 2013Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 630.717 SUN/AG] (1).
v azha /വാഴ
by Berin Pathrose | Sunil, V G | Habeeburrahman, P V | Prav eena, A.
Edition: 2Material type: Book Publisher: Tav anur ICAR Krishi V igyan Kendra 2017Av ailability: Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 634.772 BER/V A] (1).
Thengu /തെങ്ങ്
by Berin Pathrose | Sunil, V G | Habeeburrahman, P V | Prav eena, A.
Edition: 2Material type: Book Publisher: Tav anur ICAR Krishi V igyan Kendra 2017Av ailability: Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.61 BER/TH] (1).
Nellu /നെല്ല്
by Berin Pathrose | Sunil, V G | Habeeburrahman, P V .
Edition: 2Material type: Book Publisher: Tav anur ICAR Krishi V igyan Kendra 2017Av ailability: Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 633.18 BER/NE] (1).
Sugandha v ilakal /സുഗന്ധ വിളകൾ
by Berin Pathrose | Rashmi V ijayaraghav an | Deepthi, K B | Sunil, V G | Habeeburrahman, P V | Prav eena, A.
Material type: Book Publisher: Tav anur ICAR Krishi V igyan Kendra 2017Av ailability: Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 633.83 BER/SU] (1).
Multiple choice questions in agricultural extension:
by Sunil, V G.
Edition: 5Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi New V ishal Publications 2017Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: CE 630.7 SUN/MU] (2). Checked out (2).
Edition: 4Material type: Book Publisher: NEWDELHI NEW V ISHAL PUBLICATIONS 2014Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: College of Co-operation, Banking & Management Library, V ellanikkara [Call number: 630.715 SUN/AG] (3).
Multiple Choice questions in Agricultural Extension for JRF,ARS/NET,SRF Exams.
by Sunil V G.
Edition: 5th editionMaterial type: Book Publisher: New Delhi New V ishal publications 2017Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: College of Agriculture, V ellanikkara [Call number: 302.2 SUN/MU] (3).
Agricultural Extension
by Sunil.V .G.
Edition: 4Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi New V ishal Publications 2014Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: College of Agriculture, V ellayani [Call number: 630.715 SUN ] (3).
Agricultural Extension
by Sunil.V .G.
Edition: 4Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi New V ishal Publications 2014Av ailability: No items av ailable
Multiple choice questions in agricultural extension
by Sunil V G | [Author] .
Edition: 1Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: New Delhi ; New V ishal Publications ; 2008Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: College of Agriculture, V ellanikkara [Call number: 302.2 SUN/MU ] (1).
Multiple Choice questions in agricultural extension
by Sunil V G.
Edition: 4Material type: Book Publisher: New Delhi New V ishal Publications 2014Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: College of Agriculture, V ellanikkara [Call number: 302.2 SUN/MU] (1).
Fundamentals of agricultural extension
by Sunil, V G.
Material type: Book Publisher: New delhi New V ishal Publications 2021Av ailability: No items av ailable On hold (1).
Repayment behav iour of farmers of the Kuruv ambalam serv ice co-operativ e bank limited
by Aneesha Johnson | Sunil V G (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: V ellanikkara College of Co-operation, Banking and Management 2020Dissertation note: MBA Av ailability: Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 380.141 ANE/RE PG] (1).
Farmer innov ations in the field of agricultural machinery: a multi-dimensional analysis
by Jaizen Kuriakose | Sunil V G (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: V ellanikkara Department of Agricultural Extension Education, College of Agriculture 2023Dissertation note: MSc Av ailability: Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 630.71 JAI/FA PG] (1).
Package of practices recommendations : crops 2024
by Jacob John, Ed | Ani, S Das, Ed | Sunil, V G, Ed | Aswathi Krishna, R, Ed | Aswathi, K K, Ed | Jaliya, M K,Ed.
Edition: 16Material type: Book Publisher: Thrissur Director of Extension, Kerala Agricultural Univ ersity 2024Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 630 KAU/PA 2024] (3). Items av ailable for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: IR 630 KAU/PA 2024] (2).