Systematic and Ec onomic botany of p erenneal p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran,P .C | Kumar,K.A.
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Kolkota new c entral book agenc y 2010Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 582.16 RAJ/SY] (1).
P arasexual Hybridization of P ip er nigrum and P ip er c olubrinum through P rotop last Fusion
by Resmi P aul | Rajendran P C (Guide).
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Vellanikkara Dep artment Of P lantation C rop s And Sp ic es,C ollege Of Hortic ulture 2000Dissertation note: MSc Online ac c ess: C lic k here to ac c ess online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 633.8 RES/P A] (1).
P hysio Morp hologic al and Bioc hemic al Resp onses of Blac k P ep p er(P ip er Nigrum L.) to Irrigation,P runing and Hormone Ap p lic ation For Flushing,Fowering And Berry set
by Thanuja T V | Rajendran P C (Guide).
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Vellanikkara Dep artment of P lantation C rop s and Sp ic es, C ollege of Hortic ulture 2003Dissertation note: P hD Online ac c ess: C lic k here to ac c ess online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 633.8 THA/P H] (1).
Management of biodegradable p lant tissue c ulture lab wastes through biomethanogenesis
by Abdulla Fayas T | Rajendran P C (Guide).
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Vellanikkara C entre For P lant Biotec hnology and Molec ular Biology, C ollege of Hortic ulture 2008Dissertation note: MSc Online ac c ess: C lic k here to ac c ess online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 660.6 ABD/MA] (1).
Refinement of mic rop rop agation p rotoc ol and RAP D assay for sex determination in kodamp uli (garc inia gummi-gutta var.gummigutta)
by P remjith Gop inath | Rajendran P C (Guide).
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Vellanikkara C entre for P lant Biotec hnology and Molec ular Biology, C ollege of Hortic ulture 2008Dissertation note: MSc Online ac c ess: C lic k here to ac c ess online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 630.28 P RE/RE] (1).
In p lanta transformation via p ollen tube p athway in blac k p ep p er(p ip er nigrum L.)
by Asha S | Rajendran P C (Guide).
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Vellanikkara C entre for P lant Biotec hnology and Molec ular Biology, C ollege of Hortic ulture 2009Dissertation note: MSc Online ac c ess: C lic k here to ac c ess online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 630.28 ASH/IN] (1).
Develop ment of sc ar marker for authentic ation of gender in kodamp uli (Garc inia gummi-gutta var.gummigutta)
by Shelke Sunil Marotarao | Rajendran P C (Guide).
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Vellanikkara C entre for P lant Biotec hnology and Molec ular Biology, C ollege of Hortic ulture 2010Dissertation note: MSc Online ac c ess: C lic k here to ac c ess online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 660.6 SHE/DE] (1).
Managment of biodegradable p lant tissue c ulture lab wastes through biomethnogenesis
by Abdulla Fayas,T [Researc her] | Rajendran P .C [Guide] .
Edition: MSc . Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 2008Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 595.7 ABD/MA] (1).
Refinement of mic rop rop agation p rotoc ol and rap id essay for sex determination in kodamp uli (Garc inia gummi-gutta var-gummigutta)
by P remjith Gop inath [Researc her] | Rajendran P .C [Guide] .
Edition: MSc . Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 2008Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 660.6 RAJ/RE] (1).
In p lant a transformation via p ollen tube p athway in blac k p ep p er (P ip er nigrum L.)
by Asha S [Researc her] | Rajendran P .C [Guide] .
Edition: MSc . Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 2009Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 660.6 ASH/IN] (1).
Develop ment of sc ar marker for authentic ation of gender in kodamp uli
by Sunil Marotarao Shelke [Researc her] | Rajendran P .C [Guide] .
Edition: MSc . Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 660.6 SUN/DE] (1).
In vitro resp onse and c auses of rec alc itranc y in c oc onut (C oc os nuc ifera L.)
by C handralekha K [Researc her] | Rajendran P C [Guide] .
Edition: M.Sc Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 1997Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 633 C HA/IN] (1).
P arasexual hybridisation of P ip er nigrum and P ip er c olubrinum through p rotop last fusion.
by Resmi P aul [Researc her] | Rajendran P C [Guide] .
Edition: M.Sc Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 633 RES/P A] (1).
P hysiomorp hologic al and bioc hemic al resp onses of blac k p ep p er (p ip er nigrum L.) to irrigation, p runing and hormone ap p lic ation for flushing , flowering and berry set
by Thanuja T V [Researc her] | Rajendran P C [Guide] .
Edition: P h.D Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C ollege of Hortic ulture ; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: [C all number: 633 THA/P H] (1).
Systematic and ec onomic botany of p erennial p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: London ; New C entral Book Agenc y ; 2010Availability: Items available for referenc e: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 581.6 RAJ/SY] (1).
Jaivasankethikavidhyayum elaneergramavum
by Rajendran P .C .
Material typ e: Book P ublisher: TVP M State Institute of Languages 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellayani [C all number: 634.61 RAJ] (2).
Systematic and ec onomic botany of p erennial p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: London ; New C entral Book Agenc y ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 581.6 RAJ/SY] (1).
Systematic and ec onomic botany of p erennial p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: London ; New C entral Book Agenc y ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 581.6 RAJ/SY] (1).
Systematic and ec onomic botany of p erennial p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: London ; New C entral Book Agenc y ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 581.6 RAJ/SY] (1).
Systematic and ec onomic botany of p erennial p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: London ; New C entral Book Agenc y ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 581.6 RAJ/SY] (1).
National seminar on agri business c onc ep t for sustainable livelihood on 6th november 2004
by rajendran P C | [Editor] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; Anamika educ ational researc h and c haritable trust Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 338.1 RAJ/NA] (1).
Jaivasankethikavidhyayum elaneergramavum
by Rajendran P .C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thiruvanthap uram ; State Institute of languages ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 630 RAJ/JA] (1).
Kudamp uli: the magic bullet tree
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C handmahal P ublishers ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 633 RAJ/KU] (1).
kudamp uli: the magic bullet tree
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C handmahal P ublishers ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 633 RAJ/KU] (1).
jaivasankethikavidhyayum elaneergramavum
by Rajendran P .C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thiruvananthap uram ; State Institute of languages ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 630 RAJ/JA] (1).
Kudamp uli: the magic bullet tree
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thrissur ; C handmahal P ublishers ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 633 RAJ/KU] (1).
jaivasankethikavidhyayum elaneergramavum
by Rajendran P .C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: Thiruvananthap uram ; State Institute of languages ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 630 RAJ/JA] (1).
Genetic resourc es of water melon
by Rajendran P C | Thamburaj S | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: India ; Tamil Nadu Agric ultural University ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 630 RAJ/GE] (1).
Systematic and ec onomic botany of p erennial p lantation c rop s and sp ic es
by Rajendran P C | [Author] .
Material typ e: Book; Format:
p rint
; Literary form:
Not fic tion
P ublisher: London ; New C entral Book Agenc y ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: C ollege of Agric ulture, Vellanikkara [C all number: 581.6 RAJ/SY] (1).
Jaivasankethikavidhyayum elaneergramavum /ജൈവസാങ്കേതികവിദ്യയും ഇളനീർഗ്രാമവും
by Rajendran, P C .
Edition: 2Material typ e: Book P ublisher: Thiruvananthap uram The State Institute of Languages 2019Availability: Items available for loan: KAU C entral Library, Thrissur [C all number: 634.61 RAJ/JA] (1).