Irrigation agriculture in Gujarat : problems an d prospects
by Asopa,V N | Tripathi,B L.
Material type: Book Publisher: Ahmedabad Cen tre for Man agemen t in Agriculture 1975Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : KAU Cen tral Library, Thrissur [Call n umber: 631.587 ASO/IR] (1).
Assessmen t of the requiremen ts of high yieldin g seeds an d the dev elopmen t of the seed in dustry
by Asopa,V N | Desai,D K.
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: Ahmedabad In dian in stitute of man agemen t 1973Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : KAU Cen tral Library, Thrissur [Call n umber: 631.521 ASO/AS] (1).
Seed In dustry In In dia: a man agemen t perspectiv e
by Gurdev Sin gh | Asokan , S R | Asopa, V N .
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishin g Co. PV T LTD 1988Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : KAU Cen tral Library, Thrissur [Call n umber: 338.17 GUR/SE] (1).
Seed in dustry in In dia: a man agemen t perspectiv e
by Gurdev Sin gh | Asokan , S R | Asopa, V N .
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi Oxford & IBH Publishin g Co.PV T. LTD. 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : KAU Cen tral Library, Thrissur [Call n umber: 338.17 GUR/SE] (1).
Seed in dustry in in dia : a man agemen t perspectiv e
by Asokan , S R | Asopa, V N | Gurudev Sin gh.
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi Oxford an d IBH Publishin g Compan y Pv t Ltd 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Co-operation , Ban kin g & Man agemen t Library, V ellan ikkara [Call n umber: 338-17 GUR/SE] (1).
Coca : production an d marketin g in In dia
by Asopa V N | N arayan an , S.
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi Oxford an d IBH Publishin g Compan y Pv t Ltd 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Co-operation , Ban kin g & Man agemen t Library, V ellan ikkara [Call n umber: 380.141 ASO/CO] (1).
Cocoa : production an d marketin g in In dia
by Asopa, V N | N arayan an , S.
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi Oxford an d IBH Publishin g Compan y Pv t Ltd 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Co-operation , Ban kin g & Man agemen t Library, V ellan ikkara [Call n umber: 380 .141 ASO/CO] (1).
Seed in dustry in In dia : a man agemen t perspectiv e
by Asokan , S R | Asopa, V N | Gurudev Sin gh.
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi Oxford an d IBH Publishin g Compan y Pv t Ltd 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Co-operation , Ban kin g & Man agemen t Library, V ellan ikkara [Call n umber: 338 .17 GUR/SE] (1).
Cocoa : production an d marketin g in In dia
by Asopa, V .N | N arayan an , S.
Publisher: N ew Delhi, Oxford & IBH publishin g co. pv t. ltd ; 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Agriculture, V ellayan i [Call n umber: 338.17740954 ASO] (1).
Cocoa production an d marketin g in In dia
by Asopa, V N | N arayan an , S.
Publisher: N ew Delhi, Oxford & IBH publishin g co. pv t. ltd ; 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Agriculture, V ellayan i [Call n umber: 658.809 633 740 954 ASO] (1).
Cocoe: production an d marketin g in In dia
by Asopa V N | [Author] .
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi ; Oxford an d IBH publishin g ; 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Agriculture, V ellan ikkara [Call n umber: 338.1 ASO/CO] (1).
Cocoe: production an d marketin g in In dia
by Asopa V N | [Author] .
Material type: Book; Format:
prin t
; Literary form:
N ot fiction
Publisher: N ew Delhi ; Oxford an d IBH publishin g ; 1990Av ailability: Items av ailable for loan : College of Agriculture, V ellan ikkara [Call n umber: 338.1 ASO/CO] (1).