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151. Dimensions of personality

by Eysenck, H.J.

Publisher: London, Routledge & Kegan Paul ; 1961Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 155.2 EYS] (1).

152. The Development of the personality

by Green, Liz | Sasportas, Howard.

Publisher: London, Routledge & Kegan Paul ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 155.23 GRE] (1).

153. Three - dirmensional personality test : reliability, validity and clinical implications

by Fein, Leah Gold.

Publisher: New York, International universities press Inc ; 1960Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 155.2 FEI] (1).

154. Personality and personal growth

by Fadiman, James | Frager, Robert.

Publisher: London, Harper & Row publishers ; 1976Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 155.2 FAD] (1).

155. General psychology

by Guilford, J.P.

Publisher: London, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co ; 1939Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 150 GUI] (1).

156. Organisational behaviour concepts and controversies

by Robbins, Stephen P.

Publisher: USA, Prentice -Hall Inc ; 1979Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 302.3 ROB] (1).

157. Brand Management: The Indian context

by Moorthi, Y.L.R.

Publisher: New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd ; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellayani [Call number: 658.827 Moo] (1).

158. Introduction to psychology : problems , procedures and principles

by Marx Melvin | [Author].

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York ; Macmillan Publishing Company Inc ; 1976Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 MAR/IN] (1).

159. Education of the young child

by Fontana David | [Editor].

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; Open Books ; 1978Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 FON/ED] (1).

160. Introduction to psychology

by Murphy Gardner | [Author].

Edition: 1st Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi ; Oxford and IBH publishing ; 1968Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 MUR/IN] (1).

161. Introduction to psychology

by Murphy Gardner | [Author].

Edition: 1st Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi ; Oxford and IBH publishing ; 1968Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 MUR/IN] (1).

162. Introduction to psychology

by Murphy Gardner | [Author].

Edition: 1st Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi ; Oxford and IBH publishing ; 1968Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 MUR/IN] (1).

163. Psychology

by North A J | Sartain A Q | strasnge J R | [Author].

Edition: 4th Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; Mc graw Hill ; 1973Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 SAR/PS] (1).

164. Psychology

by North A J | Sartain A Q | strasnge J R | [Author].

Edition: 4th Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; Mc graw Hill ; 1973Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 SAR/PS] (1).

165. Psychology

by North A J | Sartain A Q | strasnge J R | [Author].

Edition: 4th Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; Mc graw Hill ; 1973Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 SAR/PS] (1).

166. Psychology

by North A J | Sartain A Q | strasnge J R | [Author].

Edition: 4th Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; Mc graw Hill ; 1973Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 150 SAR/PS] (1).

167. Personality Development

by Bhatia RC.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi ; Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 658 BHA/PA] (1).

168. Aakarshakamaya vyakthithwam venamenkil

by Hariharan Nair V.R | [Author].

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Kottayam ; Sahithya pravarthaka co-operative society ltd. ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 1 HAR/AA] (1).

169. You can sell: results are rewarded efforts aren't

by Khera Shiv | [Author].

Edition: 8th Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi ; Rupa publications ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 1 SHI/YO] (1).

170. Theories of personality

by Campbell John B | Hall Calvin S | Hall Calvin S et al | Lindzey Gardner | [Author].

Edition: 4th Ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: India ; Wiley India ; 2011Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 1 HAL/TH] (1).

171. Personality development: ladder to success 3

by Deepali monga | Shefali monga.

Edition: 3Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi Savera Publishing House 2015Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 658 MON/PE] (1).

172. Seven habits of highly effective people /ഏഴ് ഹാബിറ്റ്സ് ഒഫ് ഹൈലി ഇഫക്റ്റീവ് പീപ്പിള്‍

by Covey, Stephan R | Sadasivan, M P, Tr.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Kottayam D C Life 2005Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 158.4 COV/SE] (1).

173. Internet of things and its applications: NIELIT 'O" level revised syllabus of year 2020 for M4-R5, "O' level made simple module-4

by Satish Jain | Shasi Singh.

Edition: Rev. 2Material type: book Book Publisher: New Delhi BPB Publications 2023Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 005.1 SAT/IN] (1).

174. Life without limits: Inspiration for a ridiculously good life

by Vujicic, Nick.

Material type: book Book Publisher: New York WaterBrook 2012Availability: No items available Checked out (1).

175. Build don't talk : things you wish you were taught in school

by Raj, Shamani.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Gurugram Penguin Random House 2022Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 158.1 RAJ/BU] (1).

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