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1. Biomass production and root distribution pattern of selected fast growing multi-purpose tree species

by Jamaludheen V | Mohankumar B (Guide).

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 1994Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 JAM/BI] (1).

2. Soil productivity changes under selected exotic forest tree species with special reference to beneficial microflora

by Tejkaran Patidar | Jamaludheen V.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 2014Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 TEJ/SO] (1).

3. Soil productivity changes under selected indigenous forest tree species with special reference to beneficial microflora

by Lakshmy A | Jamaludheen V(Guide).

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry 2014Dissertation note: MSC Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 LAK/So] (1).

4. Autoallelopathy of selected multipurpose tree species and the effect of their leachates on Agricultural test crop

by Neenu P | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 2017Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 NEE/AU] (1).

5. Selection and evaluation of superior planting materials of Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.) in Thrissur

by Abijith R | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 2018Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 ABI/SE] (1).

6. Understorey productivity of selected fodder grasses in mature coconut and rubber plantations

by Rose Mary Jose | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry 2018Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 ROS/UN] (1).

7. Biomass Production &Root Distribution Pattern of Selected Fast growing multi-purpose Tree Species (Acc.No. has changed to T-20) Jamaludheen ,V

by Jamaludheen ,V.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Availability: Items available for loan: College of Forestry, Vellanikkara [Call number: TH ] (1).

8. Standardisation of planting stock production techniques for teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.)

by Vijayalakshmi K P | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 2020Dissertation note: PhD Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 VIJ/ST PhD] (1).

9. Soil and vegetation characteristics in the post flood scenario in selected tree based land use system in Thrissur, Kerala

by Arshad A | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Departmemt of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 2020Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.9 ARS/SO PG] (1).

10. Litter dynamics and soil changes under six-year-old bamboo stands

by Vijay Kumar | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of silviculture and agroforestry, college of forestry 2023Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.95 VIJ/LI PG] (1).

11. Standardisation of macro - proliferation technology for mass production of selected bamboo species of Kerala

by Devi, S R | Jamaludheen, V (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry 2023Dissertation note: MSc Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 634.95 DEV/ST PG] (1).

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