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1. Biology and predatory potential of rhynocoris marginatus (FAB.) (hemiptera: reduviidae) on insect pests of cowpea

by Femi Mohasina M | Smitha M S (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Horticulture 2018Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632.6 FEM/BI] (1).

2. Toxicity of insecticides to cheilomenes sexmaculata fabricius (coleoptera:coccinellidae)

by Pavithrakumar K | Smitha M S (Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture 2021Dissertation note: M Sc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632.6 PAV/TO PG] (1).

3. Mechanisms of resistance in Brinjal Shoot and fruit broer, Leucinodes orbonalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera:Crambidae) to diamide insecticides

by Anu Thomas | Smitha, M S(Guide).

Material type: book Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture 2024Dissertation note: Ph.D Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 632.6 ANU/ME Ph.D] (1).

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