Transcriptome analysis of drought induced systemic tolerance in Rice (Oryza Sativa L) medicated by plant Growth promoting Rhizobateria
by Tirthkar Meera Baburao | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Horticulture 2012Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 TIR/TR] (1).
Molecular characterisation of east Indian Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus stapf} Germplasm Accessions
by Bansode Ravindra Dinkar | Abida P.S.(Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2013Dissertation note: MSc. Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 BAN/MO] (1).
Proteome analysis of induced systemic resistance medicated by plant growth prooting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) in rice for biotic stree
by Shinde Subhashini Ganesh | Abida P.S.(Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2013Dissertation note: MSc. Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 SHI/PR] (1).
Molecular characterization and DNA fingerprinting of selected cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) varieties of KAU
by Purushottam Meena | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2014Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 PUR/MO] (1).
Identification of molecular marker for self-incompatibility in selected germplasm accessions of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.)
by Goradevaishali Shivaji | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for plant biotechnology and molecular biology, College of horticulture 2015Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 GOR/ID] (1).
DNA barcoding of spider mites (Prostigmata: Tetranychidae) in vegetable crops
by Shruti Bennur | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for plant biotechnology and molecular biology, College of horticulture 2015Dissertation note: Msc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 SHR/DN] (1).
Molecular characterization of black pepper (piper nigrum L.) genotypes for drought tolerance
by Pallavi V | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of plant biotechnology, College of horticulture 2015Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 PAL/MO] (1).
Identification and characterization of traditional rice genotypes for drought tolerance through proteomic approach
by Prathi Naresh Babu | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for plant biotechnology and molecular biology, College of horticulture 2015Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 PRA/ID] (1).
Development of a nano biosensor for detection of bract mosaic virus in banana (Musa spp.)
by Saurav Saha | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2016Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 SAU/DE] (1).
Validation of identified genes for water stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) mediated by Pseudomonas fluorescens
by Saakre Manjesh | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2016Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 SAA/VA] (1).
Molecular characterization of katte mosaic virus of cardamom ( Elettaria cardmomum Manton )
by Manglam Arya | Abida P S ( Guide ).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2016Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 MAN/MO] (1).
Marker assisted backcrops breeding in rice for drought tolerance
by Athulya S Nair | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Horticulture 2019Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 ATH/MA PG] (1).
Screening and characterization of rice genotypes for abiotic stress to develop climate resilient variety
by Nayana E M | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellayani Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture 2020Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 NAY/SC PG] (1).
DNA barcoding of Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) associated with selected vegetable crops of Kerala
by Namitha T H | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellayani Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture 2020Dissertation note: MSc Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 NAM/DN PG] (1).
Transcriptome analysis of drought induced systemic tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Mediated by plant growth promoting rhizobateria
by Tirthkar Meera Baburao [Researcher] | Abida P.S [Guide] .
Edition: M.Sc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Thrissur ; College of Horticulture ; 2012Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 TIR/TR] (1).
Proteome analysis induced systemic resistance mediated by plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in rice for biotic stress
by Shinde Subhashini Ganesh [Researcher ] | Abida P.S [Guide] .
Edition: MSc Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Thrissur ; College of Horticulture ; 2013Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 SHI/PR] (1).
Molecular characterization of east Indian lemongrass (cymbopogon flexuosus stapf.) germplasm accessions
by Bansode Ravindra Dinkar [Researcher] | Abida P.S [Guide] .
Edition: MSc. Material type: Book; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Thrissur ; College of Horticulture ; 2013Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 BAN/MO] (1).
DNA barcoding of spider mites (prostigmata : tetranychidae) in vegetable crops
by Shruti Bennur, Researcher ; Abida, P.S., Guide.
Publisher: Vellanikkara College of Horticulture 2015Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 SHR/DN] (1).
Molecular charactererization of black pepper (Piper nigrum L)Genotypes for drought tolerance
by Pallavi V, Researcher ; Dr. Abida P.S, Guide.
Publisher: Vellanikkara College of Horticulture 2015Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 PAL/MO] (1).
Identification and characterization of traditional rice genotypes for drought tolerance through proteomic approach
by Prathi Naresh Babu, Researcher ; Dr. Abida P.S Guide.
Publisher: Vellanikkara College of Horticulture 2015Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 576 PRA/ID] (1).
Molecular characterization of katte mosaic virus of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Manton)
by Manglam Arya (Researcher) | Abida P. S (Guide).
Publisher: Vellanikkara College of Horticulture 2016Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 MAN/MO] (1).
Validation of identified genes for water stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) mediated by Pseudomonas fluorescens
by Saakre Manjesh (Researcher) | Abida P.S (Guide).
Publisher: Vellanikkara College of Horticulture Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 SAA/VA] (1).
Marker assisted backcross breeding in Rice or drought tolerance
by Athulya S Nair | Dr. Abida P S (Guide).
Publisher: College of Horticulutre, KAU, Vellanikkara Dept. of Plant Biotechnology 2019Availability: Items available for loan: College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara [Call number: 660.6 ATH/MA] (1).
Molecular characterisation of sensitive rice genotype for high temperature and salinity stress tolerance mediated by endophytic fungi
by Milan Shaju | Abida P S (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellayani Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture 2022Dissertation note: BSc - MSc (Int.) Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 MIL/MO PG] (1).
Marker assisted backcross breeding in rice variety jyothi for drought tolerance
by Shankar, C | Abida, P S (Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, College of Agriculture 2024Dissertation note: Ph.D Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 660.6 SHA/MA Ph.D] (1).
Evaluation and characterisation of selected landraces of rice for bioactive compounds and validation of its nutraceutical potential through in silico analysis
by Mikhina,M S | Abida, P S(Guide).
Material type: Book Publisher: Vellanikkara Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture 2024Dissertation note: Ph.D Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: KAU Central Library, Thrissur [Call number: 571.2 MIK/EV Ph.D] (1).