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GM food systems and their economic impact [electronic resource] Edited by T. Brankov, K. Lovre.

Contributor(s): Brankov, T [edt] | Lovre, K [edt].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: CABI Biotechnology Series: Publisher: Wallingford UK CAB International 2019Edition: 1.Description: 220pp.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 9781789240559.Subject(s): Developing Countries | rules | crops | Asia | Common Market | North America | food production | People's Republic of China | South Asia | eukaryotes | plants | food prices | trade agreements | transgenic plants | transgenic organisms | South Africa | food contaminants | China | food security | Developed Countries | Anglophone Africa | transgenics | ingredients | Africa South of Sahara | foods | South America | fertilisers | European Union | economic impact | Threshold Countries | genetic manipulation | Srbija | trends | Russian Federation | genetically modified foods | agricultural policy | Serbia | GM foods | USA | Europe | genetically engineered foods | Southern Europe | EEC | APEC countries | OECD Countries | genetically engineered plants | agricultural production | Russia | environment | Balkans | food biotechnology | pesticides | EC | East Asia | regulations | India | history | America | Commonwealth of Nations | genetically modified plants | genetically modified food | Brazil | food crops | genetic engineering | hunger | genetically engineered organisms | Mediterranean Region | trade relations | European Economic Communities | Community of Portuguese Language Countries | Africa | food products | genetically modified organisms | Southern Africa | usage | Latin America | subsaharan Africa | GEOs | fertilizers | food contamination | European Communities | GMOs | United States of AmericaAdditional physical formats: Printed edition:: No titleOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: The development of transgenic crops is revolutionary, but what does it mean for food production, prices and the environment? This is the first book to examine the economic evidence in a methodical way. It initially describes the historical evolution of biotechnology and defines key terms, before moving on to explore transgenic technology and food regime concepts. The book analyzes genetically modified organism (GMO) policy as part of overall agrarian policy, considering neoregulation in the USA, the EU, Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and Serbia; as well as discussing agricultural performance, support and trade relations. The effect of transgenic food production on world food prices is also examined, along with food security at global and regional levels, and the links between GMOs and world hunger. The environmental implications of transgenic technology are considered through analysis of pesticide and fertilizer usage and efficiency, and pesticide consumption in GMO and non-GMO producing countries. Finally, the book considers the entry of transgenic ingredients into the food chain and lists the products affected. Key features:- Detailed analysis of economic data.- Comparison of international trends, including BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and Serbia.- Evaluation of environmental and food security implications.- Glossary of important terms.This book will be valuable for agricultural economists, including students at Masters and PhD level. It will also be of interest to agricultural engineers, food technologists, nutritionists, industry representatives, policy makers, policy advisers and analysts and NGOs.
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