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Study of genetic correlations under full -SIB mating system (Two loci case)

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dc.contributor.advisor George, K C
dc.contributor.author Khin Moe Moe
dc.date.accessioned 2021-02-25T11:13:18Z
dc.date.available 2021-02-25T11:13:18Z
dc.date.issued 1985
dc.identifier.citation T-382 en_US
dc.identifier.sici T-382 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/10087
dc.description.abstract A purely theoretical investigation entitled ,JA Study of Genetic Correlations under Fu ll-s ib Mating System (two lo c i case)*1 was carried out with the following objectives, i ) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between fu ll -s ib pairs under fu l l -s ib mating system in the case of two lo c i when there i s no linkage as well as when there i s complete linkage. l i ) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between parent-offspring pair© under fu l l -s ib mating system in the case of two loci when there is no linkage as well as when there is complete linkage, i i i ) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between fu l l -s ib pairs under paront-offspring mating system in the case of two lo c i when there is no linkage as well as when there is complete linkage, iv) to derive the joint distribution (correlation table) and to find the correlation between parent-offspring pairs under parent-offspring mating system in the case of two lo c i when there is no linkage as well as when there is complete linkage. 2 Th© joint distributions of fu ll -s ib pairs and parent- ©Ffspring pairs undor fu ll-s ib gating system wore derived with the help of generation matrix technique and th© correlations wore worked out therefrom, assuming additive genie e ffec ts and using the product-momeni correlation coefficient formula. The correlations were worked out for tho f i r s t ten generations of fu ll -s ib mating in both cases of no linkage and complete linkage, & comparative study of fu ll -s ib correlations and parent-offspring correlationsf conducted both numerically and graphically, revealed that £i) evonthough fu ll -s ib correlation was greater than parent-offspring correlation in in i t ia l generation (random mating) when there was complete linkage, the la tte r increased more rapidly than the former from in it ia l generation to f ir s t generation and ( i i ) from the second generation onwards, the rate of increase in both o f correlations were nearly the same upto tenth generation. I t was interesting to note that the parent-offspring correlations wore of comparatively higher order than th© fu ll-s ib correlations in both cases of complete linkage and no linkage. Similarly, th© joint distributions (correlation tables) for fu ll-s ib pairs and parent-offspring pairs under parentoffspring mating system were derived employing generation matrix approach and the correlations for the f i r s t ten 3 generations of parent—offspring mating in both cases of no linkage and complete linkage were worked out therefrom. A comparative study of those correlations was carried out both numerically and graphically. It was found that the trend in both correlation curves remain the same, but the value of parent-offspring correlation was always greater than that of full-sib correlation in case of no linkage as well as in caso of complete linkage. In comparison of all these correlations, it was found that the correlations increased as the number of generation increased and ultimately reached the limit unity when the number of generations increased indefinitely large. It was also observed that the magnitude of correlation in case of complete linkage was more than that of correlation In case of no linkage even under the same system of mating* en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Statistics, College of veterinary and animal sciences Mannuthy, Thrissur en_US
dc.subject Statistics en_US
dc.title Study of genetic correlations under full -SIB mating system (Two loci case) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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