Determination of available zinc, copper, iron and exchangeable manganese
in the [Cari, Karapadom and Kayal soils of Kuttanad region, Kerala State, revealed
that all the three soil types are highly deficient in available copper (90%).
Available zinc was deficient in 50% of the Kayal soils studied. High amounts of
available iron in the Kari soils suggest the possibility of iron toxicity to rice in
these soils. Significant and positive correlations existed between available copper
on the one hand and organic carbon (r= + 0.400) and CEC (r= + 0.566! on
the other. Available iron was significantly and positively correlated with organic
carbon (r= +0689) and CEC (r= -f 0.566) and significantly and negatively
correlated with pi! (r= - 0.425) and exchangeable Ca + Mg (r= - 0.408). The
results warrant application of copper in all the three types of Kuttanad soils
and of zinc in the Kayal soils.