The details of biology and feeding capacity of Coccinella arcuata Fabr,,
a predator of Nilaparvata lugens stal were studied under laboratory conditions
at 28 ± 1.5° C and 80 ± 2% RH, The mean fecundity was 210 per female.
The incubation period of eggs lasted for 3 days. There are four larval instars
occupying 12 days followed by a pupal period of 5 days. The total life span
from egg to adult emergence lasted for 20 days. The different stages in the life
cycle have been discribed. On an average the freshly emerging first iru.tar grub
ate first and second instar nymphs of N- lumens at 15 per day. The second, third
and fourth larval instars and the adults consumed all nymnhal stages of the host
at 18, 25, 27, 29 per day respectively. The adults occasionally feed on adult
hoppers. The predatory population was maximum during February - March occurring
on the 'Punja' rice crop.