A trial was conducted in the red loam soils of the farm attached to
the College of Agriculture Vellayani, Kerala State, during the year 1967 to study
the response to graded doses of nitrogen and phosphorus on the yield and Quality
of groundnut variety.
The data relating to the yield and quality factors were studied. Quadratic
response curves were fitted to the yield data and ihe optimum as well as the
economic doses of nitrogen and phosphorus were determined. There was significant
positive response in yield to nitrogen and phosphorus application. The 10kg.
level of nitrogen gave the highest yield. Phosphorus has progressively increased
the yield with incremental doses. A combination of 10 Kg. nitrogen and 75 kg.
P5O has given the maximum pod yield of 2195.24 Kg/ha. The oil content of
kernel was significantly depressed by nitrogen application. But phosphorus application
has resulted in a significant increase in oil content. Graded doses of
nitrogen and phosphorus could markedly increase the protein content of kernel.
The economic doses were found to be 12.72 kg. nitrogen and 54.04 kg. P2O3/ha.