The study entitled "Performance evaluation of Avinissery Ksheedolpadaka
Sahakarana Sangham Ltd No R34 D" was undertaken to examine the enterprise and
institutional role played by the society. The enterprise role of the society was analyzed
using the secondary data collected from the financial records of the society, ten years from
1998-99 to 2007-08 . The institutional role of the society was analyzed from the primary
data collected through a survey of thirty sample farmer members of the society.
From the study it could be understood that the profitability of the society is not
sound. The major reason of the low profitability is the decline in the milk collection by the
society. The farmers would be ready to supply milk to the society only when they get fair
price to the milk. This was analyzed through the survey of farmers and could understand
that the price given by the society to the farmers is not reasonable. The farmers cannot meet
the expenses out of this price. That is, the society cannot perform its enterprise and
institutional role well.
The dairy industry in India is facing such a problem. Immediate policy measures
should be taken to save dairy industry and milk producing societies from these troubles.