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Standardization of patch budding in jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)

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dc.contributor.advisor Meera Manjusha, A V
dc.contributor.author Fathimath Sherin Shasna, K K
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-09T07:29:21Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-09T07:29:21Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.citation 174756 en_US
dc.identifier.sici 174756 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8491
dc.description.abstract The present investigation entitled ‘Standardization of patch budding in jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) was undertaken at the College of Agriculture, Padannakkad, Kasaragod during the period 2018 June to 2019 June . The research work was carried out to assess the effect of seed treatments on the seedling growth to attain the buddable size and seasonal influence on the success of patch budding. The first experiment was laid out in CRD with seven treatments and three replications. Seeds were subjected to different treatments such as gibberellic acid 100 ppm (T1) and 200 ppm (T2), potassium chloride 0.5 per cent (T3) and 1 per cent (T4), potassium nitrate 1 per cent (T5) and water (T6) for one day before sowing. In treatment T7 (control), the seeds were sown without any treatment. The treatment T5 took minimum number of days for germination (17 days) which was on par with T1 (17.33 days) and maximum number of days (26.70 days) required for sprouting was observed in control. T5 recorded minimum days (23.47 days) to attain 50 per cent germination (30.62 % reduction over control) followed by T1 (25.33 days). Maximum germination percentage and germination rate was obtained T1 (82.22 %, 0.59) which was on par with the treatment T2 (80.16 %, 0.53) and T5 (78.44 %, 0.57). Maximum number of leaves were produced in T5 (4.17), which was on par with T4 (3.6). Maximum shoot length was observed in T1 (28.20 cm) at 60 DAS. At 90 DAS, the treatment T1 (46.11 cm) recorded maximum shoot length which was on par with T2 (43.11 cm). Maximum girth (2.09 cm) was observed in T1 which was on par with T2 (2.04 cm) and T5 (1.96 cm) at 60 DAS. The maximum seedling vigour was obtained in T1 (2319.33, 3788.15) which was on par with T2 (2129.80, 3503.94) followed by T5 (2029.56, 3075.45) at 60 and 90 DAS respectively. Results of the study revealed that seed priming with chemicals have significant effect on growth and vigour of the seedling. Maximum desirable 2 attributes were observed in seeds treated with 100 ppm of gibberellic acid and one per cent potassium nitrate. Treatment with these chemicals reduced the number of days taken for germination (17.33 days, 17 days respectively), days required for attaining 50 per cent germination (25.33 days, 23.47 days), and increased the germination percentage (82.22 %, 78.44 %), germination rate (0.56 and 0.57) and girth of plant (2.09 cm, 1.96 cm respectively after 60 days). Considering the cost of chemicals, one per cent potassium nitrate could be the best treatment. To standardize the season for patch budding in jack fruit under Kasaragod condition, the experiment was laid out in CRD with six treatments. Patch budding was carried out at monthly intervals from June 2018 to November 2018 on a six month old root stock. The maximum budding success was observed in July budded plants (76.00 %) followed by August (66 %), June (50 %) and September (33 %). July budded plants showed maximum sprout length (12.03 cm), which was on par with the June budded plants (10.70 cm). From observations like maximum bud intake (76.00 %), sprouting success (86.96 %) and length of sprout (2.90 cm, 12.03 cm, and 21.14 at 30, 60, and 90 DAB respectively), it was found that July was the best month for performing patch budding in Kasargod region and it can be extended upto September. Beyond September response of plant to patch budding was poor. The study could identify that soaking the seeds in one per cent KNO3 can reduce the waiting period and July is the best month for performing patch budding in jack fruit under Kasaragod condition. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Department of Pomology, College of Agriculture,Padannakkad en_US
dc.subject Elite planting en_US
dc.subject Progeny orchard en_US
dc.subject Epicotyl Grafting en_US
dc.subject Scion Buds en_US
dc.subject Artocarpus Heterophyllus Lam en_US
dc.title Standardization of patch budding in jack fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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